I have put more thoughts into this.

If our goal is to have something that can be easily sortable, computed a 
max and a min, etc, then the best option is to introduce a sortable 

sortable(date) :: term()

The goal of this function is to return a sortable term, according to Erlang 
Term Ordering.

Then we can do:

Enum.sort_by(datetimes, &Date.sortable/1)
Enum.min_by(datetimes, &Date.sortable/1)
Enum.max_by(datetimes, &Date.sortable/1)

If you want to sort users by their update date:

Enum.sort_by(users, & &1.updated_at |> Date.sortable())
Enum.min_by(users, & &1.updated_at |> Date.sortable())
Enum.max_by(users, & &1.updated_at |> Date.sortable())

The only downside of this implementation is that it may not be as efficient 
because we will have to convert to iso days so they are sortable across 


There is a longer discussion here about introducing a new protocol, called 
Ordered, and an Enum.order/1 function. Then Enum.order(dates) would 
automatically work, because it would dispatch to a protocol which is always 
correct. This is all good on paper but I can foresee two downsides:

1. We would need to introduce an "Ordered" version of min/max. Perhaps 
something like order_first/order_last or order_min/order_max.

2. I am not aware of any prior art on this. Most of the 
protocols/typeclasses/interfaces I know for ordering build them based on 
comparisons. Is anyone aware of a reference on the topic?


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