
The `Task` module currently contains three functions that synchronously 
retrieve results from asynchronous tasks:

 * `Task.await` <>: Blocks waiting 
for a reply from a single task. Accepts a timeout value. If the task is 
successful, returns `reply`. If the task dies or the timeout is reached, exits 
with the corresponding reason.
 * `Task.yield` <>: Blocks waiting 
for a reply from a single task. Accepts a timeout value. If the task is 
successful, returns `{:ok, reply}`. If the task dies or the timeout is reached, 
returns `{:exit, reason}` or `nil`.
 * `Task.yield_many` <>: Blocks 
waiting for replies from a list of tasks. Accepts a timeout value. When all 
tasks are complete or the timeout is reached, returns a list of result tuples: 
`{:ok, reply}` for successful tasks, `{:exit, reason}` for dead tasks, and 
`nil` for timed-out.
Additionally, the `Task` module contains one function that handles both 
creating asynchronous tasks and retrieving the results:

 * `Task.async_stream` <>: 
Asynchronously applies a given function to each element in a given enumerable. 
Accepts a timeout value that is applied to each task separately. Returns an 
enumerable that emits results, blocking as needed. If a task dies, exits with 
the reason. When tasks complete, emits `{:ok, reply}`. When tasks reach the 
timeout, either exits or emits `{:exit, :timeout}`, depending on configuration 
The discussion that eventually became `Task.async_stream` 
<> included an alternative 
suggestion of `Task.async_many` and `Task.await_many`. In the end 
`async_stream` was chosen because it provides the ability to bound the maximum 
concurrency and stream results, making it the most robust way to handle 
intensive processing over an enumerable.


I propose this addition to retrieve results from multiple asynchronous tasks 
while adhering to `await` behavior:

`Task.await_many(tasks, timeout \\ 5000)`
Blocks waiting for replies from a list of tasks. If the tasks complete, returns 
a list of replies. If the timeout is reached, exits with `:timeout`. If a task 
dies, exits with the reason given by the task.

`Task.await` (together with `Task.async`) provides a simple solution that can 
be used as a drop-in replacement for synchronous code. The addition of 
`Task.await_many` will provide the building blocks for many common asynchronous 
flows, with unsurprising default behavior. There are other ways to accomplish 
the same thing, but Task.await_many provides a similar value proposition to 
Task.await: it is simple to use, is the right amount of tooling for simple use 
cases, and doesn't require extra code or reasoning about complicated async 
workflow concerns.

It fits well with the existing feature set, since it essentially fills a gap in 
the collection of related functions (yield_many is to yield as await_many is to 
await). It should be very easy for people to use and understand, provided they 
are familiar with the other `Task` functions.

As a toy example, consider baking a cake, a construction of heterogeneous 
sometimes-parallelizable tasks:

`oven_prep = Task.async(fn -> preheat_oven(350) end),

{pan, bowl} = wash_dishes()

frosting_prep = Task.async(fn -> make_frosting(bowl, :pink) end)

[_, greased_pan, batter] = Task.await_many([
  Task.async(fn -> grease_pan(pan) end),
  Task.async(fn -> mix_batter() end),
], 600_000)

baking = Task.async(fn ->
  baked_cake = bake(batter, greased_pan, 30)
  cool(baked_cake, 10)


[cooled_cake, frosting] = Task.await_many([baking, frosting_prep])

|> frost(frosting)
|> eat()

Why not `Task.await`?

A common pattern suggested online [1 
<>] is to 
enumerate calls to `Task.await`:

`, &Task.await(&1, timeout))`
Because the `await` calls happen sequentially, the timeout is reset for each 
element of the list. This can lead to unexpected and likely unwanted behavior 
in which this call may block much longer than the specified timeout.

Why not `Task.yield_many`?

`Task.yield_many` works fine for this situation, but it adheres to the 
semantics of `Task.yield` rather than `Task.await`. It returns a tuple instead 
of the bare reply, and on failure it does not exit or kill still-running tasks. 
To achieve the behavior of `await`, you must write something like this to 
handle the various possible results:

|> {task, result} ->
  case result do
    nil ->
      # Maybe unnecessary since we are exiting?
      Task.shutdown(task, :brutal_kill)
    {:exit, reason} ->
    {:ok, result} ->
Rather than expecting every developer to write this boilerplate (and not make 
any mistakes in doing so), I think it would be better to provide a construct in 
the standard library.

Why not `Task.async_stream`?

`Task.async_stream` is great for enumerating the same expensive operation 
across a list of inputs, and it absolutely should be used for that. However, it 
is not well-suited to situations where the collection of tasks is less uniform. 
Consider the cake example:

`prep = [
  Task.async(fn -> preheat_oven(350) end),
  Task.async(fn -> grease_pan(pan) end),
  Task.async(fn -> mix_batter() end),
This would be a very awkward fit for `async_stream`. It is a specialized tool 
that should not be applied in a generalized way. In addition, `async_stream` 
has its own return values and exit behavior that does not match that of `await`.

One potential harm of adding `Task.await_many` is that people might be tempted 
to use it when they would be better off using `Task.async_stream`. I believe 
this can be mitigated with proper documentation.

Why not `GenStage`?

`GenStage`  <> provides powerful and 
flexible abstractions for handling asynchronous flows. For applications that 
have complicated needs, this is a great tool. Often, though, we have much 
simpler needs and applying `GenStage` to the problem would be massive overkill.

`Task.await` is easy to use and easy to reason about. The goal of 
`Task.await_many` is the same. It’s okay if it doesn’t cover every possible use 
case, as long as it covers the ones we most commonly encounter in a way that 
doesn’t encourage us to make mistakes.

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