I love this proposal. It takes a construct that was formerly limited and
opens it up with very little cost in readability.


On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 4:04 PM Allen Madsen <allen.c.mad...@gmail.com>

> +1
> I think if sigil names with dots is allowed, it should be based on the
> fully qualified name of the module the sigil is defined in or it's alias.
> For example:
> module Date
>   defmacro sigil_Range(range, _flags) do
>     #...
>   end
> end
> require Date
> alias Date, as: D
> ~Date.Range<...>
> ~D.Range<...>
> Allen Madsen
> http://www.allenmadsen.com
> On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 10:11 AM José Valim <jose.va...@dashbit.co> wrote:
>> I believe this is the best proposal on the topic so far. I agree with
>> trade-offs too (disclaimer: we have talked about those trade-offs privately
>> before). I would suggest two amendments:
>> 1. Limit multi-letter sigils only to uppercase sigils for now
>> 2. Include "only: :sigils" as part of the initial implementation
>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 2:52 PM Wojtek Mach <woj...@wojtekmach.pl> wrote:
>>> Currently sigils are single letter which means there can be only 2 x 26
>>> of them and some of them
>>> are already taken by the standard library. As mentioned in [1] it's not
>>> clear if there should be
>>> for example a `~P` and if so, whether it should be for PID or Port.
>>> Similarly, there couldn't be an
>>> `~R` sigil for Reference given the symbol is already taken by Regex.
>>> I'd like to propose to extend sigils to support multiple letters. For
>>> example, to define a
>>> `~Port` sigil we'd write a `sigil_Port` function/macro and to use it it
>>> would have to be either
>>> local to the module or be imported. After the first letter, we could
>>> only use US-ASCII letters
>>> (a-z, A-Z). If a sigil starts with a lower-case letter it's
>>> interpolated, otherwise it is not.
>>> As part of this proposal I'd like to introduce the following sigils to
>>> the Kernel module:
>>>   - `~Port<0.6>`
>>>   - `~PID<0.108.0>`
>>>   - `~Reference<0.2489367154.3551002625.84263>`
>>>   - `~Version<1.0.0>`
>>>   - `~URI<https://elixir-lang.org>`
>>> But worth mentioning that the primary goal of this proposal is allow the
>>> community to build sigils
>>> like these:
>>>   - `~Decimal<3.14>`
>>>   - `~Complex<0+1i>`
>>>   - `~Ratio<1/3>`
>>>   - `~Money<100 USD>`
>>>   - `~Geo<SRID=4326;POINT(30 -90)>`
>>> etc
>>> basically whenever there's some piece of structured data with compact
>>> string representation it'd
>>> be a good candidate for a sigil.
>>> Notice, I have chosen the same delimiter, `<`, for all proposed sigils.
>>> Different ones for
>>> different sigils could be of course chosen as the "cannonical" (returned
>>> from the Inspect
>>> implementation.)
>>> Below I'd like to discuss some limitations of this proposal.
>>> Given we already have sigils that correspond to structs like `~D`, `~T`,
>>> `~N`, `~U`, `~R`, should
>>> we deprecate them in favour of `~Date`, `~Time`, `~NaiveDateTime`,
>>> `~DateTime`, `~Regex`? I'd
>>> arbitrarily say we **should not** and instead keep them as is.
>>> (Personally I wouldn't mind using
>>> all of these except for maybe `~NaiveDateTime` which is rather long.)
>>> The longest possible sigil name would be 249 letters (which along with 6
>>> letters in `sigil_` make
>>> 255 characters which is the atom length limit). A shorter maximum name
>>> length could be chosen.
>>> As mentioned in [2], we run into technical limitations when implementing
>>> a ~MapSet sigil, given
>>> sigils work on string and not the AST. This could be emulated with some
>>> caveats [3]. I'd argue
>>> that given single letter sigils have exactly the same problem, perhaps
>>> it's not a deal-breaker,
>>> just one of consequence of the original design.
>>> Given multi-letter sigils may (but of course don't have to) correspond
>>> to module names, what about
>>> modules with dots like `Date.Range` and `Version.Requirement`? This is
>>> especially relevant for
>>> user provided sigils, e.g. `~MyApp.Money`. Turns out it's very easy to
>>> support these too, instead
>>> of `def sigil_Date.Range` which would be a syntax error, we would do `def
>>> unquote(:"sigil_Date.Range")`. But then the other parts of the system
>>> don't quite work either,
>>> e.g.  instead of `iex> h sigil_Date.Range` currently we would have to do
>>> `iex> h Kernel."sigil_Date.Range"`. For what it's worth it's not very
>>> different than the `./2`
>>> macro [4] which has similar caveats. In any case, as much as I'd
>>> personally like to see
>>> `~Date.Range` in particular, I concede we probably should stick to just
>>> supporting letters for
>>> now.
>>> Worth mentioning that sigils need to be manually imported into the
>>> current scope (unless they are
>>> already there by default, like the ones on Kernel). Thus, to use
>>> ~Decimal, users would have to do:
>>> `import Decimal, only: [sigil_Decimal: 2]`. A convenience like `import
>>> Decimal, only: :sigils`
>>> could be added in the future but it's not the topic of this proposal.
>>> Limitations aside, here's a proof-of-concept!
>>> https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/compare/master...wojtekmach:wm-long-sigil
>>> - [1]
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elixir-lang-core/C7-QgKKu1Mw,
>>> - [2]
>>> https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/9640#issuecomment-564022856
>>> - [3]
>>> https://gist.github.com/wojtekmach/7d4b5dc2f45a4708ce04d19e7c381360
>>> - [4]
>>> https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/v1.10.1/lib/elixir/lib/kernel/special_forms.ex#L492
>>> --
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/elixir-lang-core/E4F9858D-7019-4E2E-A463-9FEDAFA52B0E%40wojtekmach.pl
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Bruce Tate


Groxio, LLC.

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