Let's say we have this module:

defmodule MyModule do
>   defguard is_some_complex_item(item) when is_struct(item) or is_atom(item)
>   def id(%{a: a, b: b} = item) when is_some_complex_item(a) and 
> is_some_complex_item(b) do
>     item
>   end
> end
 then invoking MyModule.id(1) produces the following error:

** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in MyModule.id/1    
>     The following arguments were given to MyModule.id/1:
>         # 1
>         1
>     Attempted function clauses (showing 1 out of 1):
>         def id(%{a: a, b: b} = item) when (is_map(a) and 
> is_map_key(:__struct__, a) and is_atom(map_get(:__struct__, a)) or 
> is_atom(a)) and (is_map(b) and is_map_key(:__struct__, b) and 
> is_atom(map_get(:__struct__, b)) or is_atom(b))

The issue here is that internal implementation of my custom guard and even 
built-in is_struct is shown.
It is not easy to debug this kind of messages. My expectation is to see not 
expanded macro in guards.

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