I love the thought put into this proposal, and really like the problem it 
is tackling! I am looking forward to the next proposal and will try to get 
to my inbox earlier for it.

*Proposal Feedback*

I mostly second the impressions voiced here, but *really* want to call 
attention to the criticism:

*> this breaks refactoring for the inner contents of `for`*

This is the real true deal-breaker for me. Referential transparency is a 
huge part of my mental model of Elixir and the key reason why it is such a 
joy to maintain code in. I am not sure if it is possible to introduce an 
imperative-loop construct that *doesn't* violate this property, so I may 
have to get over that. I do remember how painful it was to remove 
assignment-inside-ifs, though.


*Re: **for section <- sections, $section_counter = 1, $lesson_counter = 1 

*> Maybe a possibility could be to distinguish comprehension variables, for 
example by prefixing them in the same way as module attributes are prefixed 
with `@`.*

This does elegantly solve my refactoring concern; in that "imperative" 
comprehension variables copied out of the comprehension could immediately 
raise a syntax error, as would moving them into a different comprehension 
that does not have them declared as imperative in the comprehension head. 
The compiler would also have to enforce never letting you use the same name 
with an imperative variables as with a normal one, to completely eliminate 
edge cases. I think this solution even works for nested comprehensions, 
though I still am not sure how *that* would work with the existing proposal.

*> We could maybe even remove the `let` keyword altogether?*

*That * makes me really like syntax. We are not exactly running short on 
propositions but it nice to keep that overhead low. Also, the only other 
existing identifier syntax (module attributes) use a prefix/sigil approach 
as well, and this feels in the same category to me: we are introducing a 
different type of identifier with different scoping rules (even though what 
happens at compile time to it is wildly different).

*Re: **overloading the **<- operator*

*> My concern about this is that `<-` in for means extracting something 
from the collection, so giving it another meaning inside an option can be 
quite confusing.*

*> If I'm not mistaken it actually means pulling the next item from an 

FWIW I've been writing Elixir for years and I still forget when I crack 
open a *for* or for a *with* that I need to be using *<-* . I've just 
internalized it as the "powerful SpecialForms clause operator". So I don't 
think allowing its use in other powerful new constructs, potentially nested 
in *for* or *with*, or inside their options lists, would be confusing, from 
my perspective at least.

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