Hi Brendon,

Note that this has been explored in libraries before, such as ExActor
<https://github.com/sasa1977/exactor/>, and then abandoned

I have the same concerns as Saša in the linked comment.

Others are welcome to further explore those ideas in libraries. Saša has
suggestions of alternative approaches to consider in the same link.

On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 2:32 PM Brandon Gillespie <bran...@cold.org> wrote:

> Anybody working with GenServers realizes there is a LOT of tedious
> boilerplating, and it leaves the code a bit of a spaghetti incident that
> is difficult to read. Could there be a way to reduce this and make the
> code more readable, at least for the most common cases?
> There are many ways this might work, so this is just one proposal.
> Add`defcast` and `defcall` for GenServer, as sugar to help with some of
> the boilerplating (for each cast and call). In this proposal, one
> `defcast` or `defcall` defines two functions, the wrapper and the
> defined function (the wrapper is the "internal" or hidden function, and
> the "defined" function is the one with the programmer's code). In this
> context:
>   - A semicolon is used to separate internal vs defined arguments—any
> more appropriate token can be used, this is just used to demonstrate the
> example
>   - adds a `target: ` function header key, which defaults to __MODULE__
> # CAST Example 1:
> ```elixir
> defcast do_a_thing(arg1; state) do
>    ...code
>    {:noreply, %{state | ...}}
> end
> ```
> Is equivalent to:
> ```elixir
> def do_a_thing(arg1), do: GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:do_a_thing, arg1})
> def handle_cast({:do_a_thing, arg1}, state) do
>    ...code
>    {:noreply, %{state | ...}}
> end
> ```
> # CAST Example 2:
> ```elixir
> defcast do_a_thing(arg1, pid; state), target: pid do
>    ...code
>    {:noreply, %{state | ...}}
> end
> ```
> Is equivalent to:
> ```elixir
> def do_a_thing(arg1, pid), do: GenServer.cast(pid, {:do_a_thing, arg1})
> def handle_cast({:do_a_thing, arg1}, state) do
>    ...code
>    {:noreply, %{state | ...}}
> end
> ```
> # CALL Example 1
> ```elixir
> defcall do_a_thing(arg1; from, state) do
>    ...code
>    {:noreply, %{state | ...}}
> end
> ```
> Is equivalent to:
> ```elixir
> def do_a_thing(arg1), do: GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:do_a_thing, arg1})
> def handle_cast({:do_a_thing, arg1}, from, state) do
>    ...code
>    {:noreply, %{state | ...}}
> end
> ```
> --
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