Another situation I encountered maintains a popular Stripe package related 
to the "features" thing.

The package doesn't include Jason.Encoder for the built-in objects, which 
we could include, but some people may want to opt-in to their encoding for 
It happened to me, but the opposite happened in Commanded Land, and the 
author suggested an 
"alternative", but 
honestly, I wish we had better answers for it. From his perspective, I 
agreed with his take, but I still wanted more control over my app. I had to 
opt-in to completely replace the component because of it.

So the `Application.ensure_feature(:commanded, :jason_encoder)` function or 
something like that could be cool (just making a point, I don't care too 
much about the function name). Similar to compile_env.
I know people proposed that everyone invent their own "feature flagging," 
because nothing prevents you from achieving it today, but this is where I 
hard disagree. I prefer if the Elixir proposes something standard rather 
than figuring out every package out intent. I rather don't deal with the 
cognitive load, the having to figure out every single config, or not being 
able to build tools around it or make assumptions.

On Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 1:27:34 PM UTC-4 Yordis Prieto wrote:

> Lately, personally speaking, the need for shipping a lot of 
> testing-supporting functionalities is increasing; thus far, most popular 
> packages in the ecosystem have some functionalities that are meant to be 
> used only for testing (Plug, Broadway, Oban, ...).
> It is not about dependency issues, but still, fixing one thing could help 
> to fix something else that I find a pain point lately.
> I have opt-in in to use `Mix.env() == :test` (I know some people don't 
> like this strategy and they like to introduce some App config, but that is 
> another topic). There is another thread about this topic.
> In another situation, packages like Ueberauth/Tesla (I am one of the core 
> maintainers of the org) are painful to maintain if you go for 
> packages-per-strategy, but, on the flip-side, you must compile all 
> strategies if you only have one package even though you want 2 or 3 
> strategies. Not a big deal to ship extra code, but still, I instead not 
> ship things I don't want, and when other people in the ecosystem come, we 
> have better answers to them, IMO.
> Rust's idea is quite lovely as a library author.
> On Monday, May 8, 2023 at 3:36:10 PM UTC-4 wrote:
>> That's a good question
>> pon., 8 maj 2023 o 20:50 Yordis Prieto <> napisał(a):
>>> Do you think the features should be enabled according to the environment 
>>> as well?
>>> ```
>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.10.0", features: [testing_support: [:test]]}
>>> ```
>>> Allowing people to ship non-prod code (whatever that means to you) as 
>>> part of the library but remove outside testing in this case
>>> On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 1:09:29 AM UTC-4 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have encountered the very same issue and I think it might be 
>>>> half-supported without the necessity to incorporate anything in `hex`.
>>>> `Mix.Project.deps/1` callback already accepts `:system_env` 
>>>> configuration parameter per dependency, what if we also allow `:config` 
>>>> which would be merged into a dependency config during its compilation? 
>>>> That 
>>>> way we might rather simplify the dependency tree configuration at least 
>>>> when several dependencies came from the same provider, without the 
>>>> necessity to touch `hex` at all.
>>>> Consider A library optionally depending on B and C, whereas B also 
>>>> optionally depends on C. Then A might be included as `{:a, "~> …", config: 
>>>> [b: true, sigils: false]}` and then A would know at the compilation stage 
>>>> it should “flag C as used, and flag B as used without C, (and make sigil 
>>>> macros available.)”
>>>> It still does not help much to get proper dependencies from `hex` but 
>>>> at least it makes it possible to decrease the amount of boilerplate needed 
>>>> to make libs cooperate cohesively.
>>>> —AM
>>>> On Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 6:22:07 PM UTC+1 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I see, thanks! Will think/investigate this more and return when having 
>>>> more detailed proposal and justification
>>>> wtorek, 7 marca 2023 o 18:00:05 UTC+1 José Valim napisał(a):
>>>> > Also, user doesn't have to think about versions as it includes only 
>>>> one dependency so it won't try to plug webrtc endpoint that is 
>>>> incompatible 
>>>> with engine.
>>>> FWIW, this can be easily addressed by recommending users to add 
>>>> {:membrane_plugin, ">= 0.0.0"}, since membrane itself will already 
>>>> restrict 
>>>> it to a supported version.
>>>> At the end of the day, if the goal is replacing 3 lines:
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine_webrtc, ..}
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine_hls, ...}
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine_recorder, ...}
>>>> with:
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.10.0", features: [:webrtc, :hls, 
>>>> :recorder]} 
>>>> I have to say this is likely not worth it, given the amount of work 
>>>> implementing and maintaining this feature would entail in the long term.
>>>> I understand why Rust has this feature: compile-time and artefacts are 
>>>> much larger there. Plus the fact they can't metaprogram at the file level 
>>>> like us means they need explicit configuration for this. So before moving 
>>>> on, I think you need to send a more structured proposal, with the problem 
>>>> this is going to address, code snippets before and after, and so on. As 
>>>> mentioned above, this is a complex feature, so the benefits need to be 
>>>> really well justified over what can already be achieved today.
>>>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 5:06 PM Michal Śledź <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > I understand better now. To make the issue concise, you would like to 
>>>> programmatically include optional dependencies. Today everything is based 
>>>> on the dependency name itself but you would like to have an abstraction 
>>>> layer for controlling it.
>>>> Yes, exactly! 
>>>> > One potential workaround that you have is to define dependencies to 
>>>> work as flags. Let's say you have a realtime feature that requires 3 
>>>> dependencies, you can define an optional "membrane_realtime_feature"  
>>>> package that, once included, signals the existance of a feature and also 
>>>> all of its dependencies. Alghouth it is most likely not a good idea to 
>>>> abuse dependencies in this way.
>>>> That's what we were thinking about too. In general, we know in the 
>>>> compile time which features we are going to need. At the end, user has to 
>>>> plug specific endpoints to the Engine on its own. For example:
>>>> {:ok, pid} = Membrane.RTC.Engine.start_link() 
>>>> Engine.add_endpoint(pid, %HLS{})
>>>> Engine.add_endpoint(pid, %WebRTC{})
>>>> Engine.add_endpoint(pid, %VideoRecorder{})
>>>> etc.
>>>> so in general, we could exctract each endpoint (WebRTC, HLS, Recorder) 
>>>> into a separate package and I belive this is a pretty elegant solution. 
>>>> We would end up with:
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine, ...}
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine_webrtc, ..}
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine_hls, ...}
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine_recorder, ...}
>>>> However, allowing user to do 
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.10.0", features: [:webrtc, :hls, 
>>>> :recorder]} 
>>>> looks even more attractive to me, and is easier to document as we can 
>>>> list all of supported features in the membrane_rtc_engine docs. Also, user 
>>>> doesn't have to think about versions as it includes only one dependency so 
>>>> it won't try to plug webrtc endpoint that is incompatible with engine.
>>>> Regarding:
>>>> > I think the biggest concern with implementing this feature is that it 
>>>> needs to be part of Hex itself. So the first discussion is if and how to 
>>>> extend the Hex registry to incorporate this metadata, which needs to 
>>>> happen 
>>>> in Hex first.
>>>> and
>>>> > In this case, as long as the feature checks are only inclusive, it 
>>>> should be fine. But you can also think if a library named A assumes that 
>>>> dependency C is compiled without some flag, and library B assumes C is 
>>>> compiled with said flag, you will end up with conflicting behaviour.
>>>> I don't have answers to those questions but I am willing to investigate 
>>>> them and propose more detailed analysis on how we could implement the 
>>>> whole 
>>>> concept assuming it sounds valid to you. 
>>>> wtorek, 7 marca 2023 o 16:34:50 UTC+1 José Valim napisał(a):
>>>> I understand better now. To make the issue concise, you would like to 
>>>> programmatically include optional dependencies. Today everything is based 
>>>> on the dependency name itself but you would like to have an abstraction 
>>>> layer for controlling it.
>>>> I think the biggest concern with implementing this feature is that it 
>>>> needs to be part of Hex itself. So the first discussion is if and how to 
>>>> extend the Hex registry to incorporate this metadata, which needs to 
>>>> happen 
>>>> in Hex first.
>>>> > I also thought that configuring libraries via Application environment 
>>>> is discouraged, according to
>>>> <>
>>>> Right. Application configuration has many downsides, exactly because it 
>>>> is global. The feature mechanism is also global, regardless if we put it 
>>>> on 
>>>> mix.exs or on the configuration environment. Rust also hints it is 
>>>> configuration (the conditional is called cfg):
>>>> #[cfg(feature = "webp")] pub mod webp; 
>>>> In this case, as long as the feature checks are only inclusive, it 
>>>> should be fine. But you can also think if a library named A assumes that 
>>>> dependency C is compiled without some flag, and library B assumes C is 
>>>> compiled with said flag, you will end up with conflicting behaviour.
>>>> ---
>>>> One potential workaround that you have is to define dependencies to 
>>>> work as flags. Let's say you have a realtime feature that requires 3 
>>>> dependencies, you can define an optional "membrane_realtime_feature"  
>>>> package that, once included, signals the existance of a feature and also 
>>>> all of its dependencies. Alghouth it is most likely not a good idea to 
>>>> abuse dependencies in this way.
>>>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 4:17 PM Michal Śledź <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> 2. Users of a library with optional dependencies have to include all 
>>>> optional dependencies in their mix.exs
>>>> I meant that to enable one feature, user has to include a lot of 
>>>> optional dependencies, at least in our case.
>>>> 3. Users might include bad varsions of optional dependencies
>>>> Here, I meant that user has to exactly know dependency version that has 
>>>> to be included. In our case, when there is a lot of optional dependencies, 
>>>> it starts getting annoying to keep them up to date in the docs. 
>>>> Other than that, you should be able to provide this functionality using 
>>>> config/config.exs files and the Application.compile_env/2.
>>>> But I cannot manipulate which deps should be downloaded and compiled 
>>>> using Application.compile_env, can I? I mean, user still has to include 
>>>> all 
>>>> needed dependencies and know their correct versions. I also thought that 
>>>> configuring libraries via Application environment is discouraged, 
>>>> according 
>>>> to
>>>> <>
>>>> We very often depend on native libraries written in C like ffmpeg. When 
>>>> it's possible, we make those components optional, so that user is not 
>>>> forced to install uneeded native libraries on their system. 
>>>> I feel like at the moment user has to be aware of which optional deps 
>>>> are needed to get the desired feature. What I would like to have is to 
>>>> focus on the feature itself, leaving deps and their versions to library 
>>>> maintainers.
>>>> wtorek, 7 marca 2023 o 14:45:03 UTC+1 José Valim napisał(a):
>>>> Hi Michał,
>>>> Thanks for the proposal. Your initial description makes me think there 
>>>> may exist bugs which we would need to investigate first.
>>>> 2. Users of a library with optional dependencies have to include all 
>>>> optional dependencies in their mix.exs
>>>> This should not be required. You only need to include the dependencies 
>>>> that you need, which would be equivalent to opting into a feature in Rust.
>>>> 3. Users might include bad varsions of optional dependencies
>>>> This should not be possible. The requirement has to match for optional 
>>>> dependencies.
>>>> If the above is not true, please provide more context.
>>>> ---
>>>> Other than that, you should be able to provide this functionality using 
>>>> config/config.exs files and the Application.compile_env/2. In fact, I 
>>>> think 
>>>> introducing another mechanism to configure libraries could end-up adding 
>>>> more confusion, especially given how configs changed (and also improved) 
>>>> throughout the years.
>>>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 12:40 PM Michal Śledź <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Currently, using optional dependencies is quite inconvenient and error 
>>>> prone:
>>>> 1. A lot of modules have to use if Code.ensure_loaded statements 
>>>> introducing additional nesting
>>>> 2. Users of a library with optional dependencies have to include all 
>>>> optional dependencies in their mix.exs
>>>> 3. Users might include bad varsions of optional dependencies
>>>> My proposal is to enhance API for optional dependencies basing on the 
>>>> API provided by Cargo in Rust.
>>>> The main idea is that the user of a library with optional dependencies 
>>>> specify which "features" it is willing to have. For example, in 
>>>> membrane_rtc_engine library, which allows you to exchange audio/video 
>>>> using 
>>>> different multimedia protocols, we have a lot of optional dependencies 
>>>> depending on what protocol the user is willing to use. When the user wants 
>>>> to receive media via webrtc and convert it to the HLS to broadcast it to 
>>>> the broader audience it has to include all of those dependencies
>>>>    # Optional deps for HLS endpoint
>>>>    {:membrane_aac_plugin, "~> 0.13.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_opus_plugin, "~> 0.16.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_aac_fdk_plugin, "~> 0.14.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_generator_plugin, "~> 0.8.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_realtimer_plugin, "~> 0.6.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_audio_mix_plugin, "~> 0.12.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_raw_audio_format, "~> 0.10.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_h264_ffmpeg_plugin, "~> 0.25.2", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_audio_filler_plugin, "~> 0.1.0", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_video_compositor_plugin, "~> 0.2.1", optional: true},
>>>>    {:membrane_http_adaptive_stream_plugin, "~> 0.11.0", optional: true},
>>>> Instead of this, I would love to say to the user, hi if you want to use 
>>>> HLS just specify it in the feature list. For example:
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.10.0", features: [:hls]}
>>>> It would also be nice to somehow get rid of "if Code.ensure_loaded" 
>>>> statements. I am not sure how yet but Rust do this that way
>>>> // This conditionally includes a module which implements WEBP support. 
>>>> #[cfg(feature 
>>>> = "webp")] pub mod webp;
>>>> What comes to my mind is that in mix.exs we can specify "features", 
>>>> their dependencies and a list of modules. When someone asks for the 
>>>> feature, those dependencies are autmatically downloaded and listed modules 
>>>> are compiled. 
>>>> The final proposal is:
>>>> # library side
>>>> # mix.exs
>>>> features: [
>>>>   hls: [
>>>>     dependencies: [],
>>>>     modules: []
>>>>   ]
>>>> ]
>>>> # user side
>>>> # mix.exs
>>>> {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.10.0", features: [:hls]}
>>>> I would love to help in implementing those features if you decide they 
>>>> are valuable
>>>> Rust reference:
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