> My personal suggestion on the proposal would be to use `$` as you've 
said, and to remove the need for `:` for the case of atoms.

> Perhaps removing the `:` is a bad idea actually? I see now it removes the 
consistency on values.

I chose to preserve it not only because it is consistent with atom literals 
and works well with syntax highlighting today, but also because leaving the 
bareword identifier behaviour open would allow extensions to this 
functionality down the line. I'm thinking specifically of a struct field 
access syntax like:

uri = URI.parse(
[$uri.host, $uri.port]
#=> [host: "host", port: 5432]

However, I wanted to keep the initial proposal simple and focused on the 
most commonly desired functionality.
On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 8:02:01 PM UTC-5 Christopher Keele wrote:

> > My personal suggestion on the proposal would be to use `$` as you've said
> > Either way, let's not lose the momentum on this!
> I'm working on a prototype and proposal for exactly that as we speak, but 
> for the sake of momentum of the prototype, repurposed the capture operator 
> in my initial experimentation. Perhaps I should have framed this as "new 
> feature: tagged-variable captures" *first*, and mentioned "overloading 
> the capture operator" *as a followup* extension of the proposal *second*, 
> instead of the other way around. I got excited by having a working 
> prototype with the existing operator I suppose:D
> On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 7:50:59 PM UTC-5 zachary....@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Perhaps removing the `:` is a bad idea actually? I see now it removes the 
>> consistency on values. Either way, let's not lose the momentum on this! I 
>> feel like we can get this over the line (or put the last nails in its 
>> coffin for good )
>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 8:45 PM, Zach Daniel <zachary....@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I agree with Paul on the specific operator, however I feel like you've 
>>> just done a great thing laying out most if not all of the considerations 
>>> we've had on this conversation to date. I know that these conversations can 
>>> get long and sometimes not produce fruit, but I feel like we should try to 
>>> chase this down and come to a conclusion on the matter if at all possible.
>>> My personal suggestion on the proposal would be to use `$` as you've 
>>> said, and to remove the need for `:` for the case of atoms.
>>> %{$foo, $bar} = %{foo: 10, bar: 10}
>>> %{$"foo", $"bar"} = map
>>> It is a new operator, but it feels expressive to me, and the $ currently 
>>> has no use in mainstream elixir syntax (its used in ets match specs as a 
>>> value, not as an operator). That seems like a good solution to me.
>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 8:45 PM, Christopher Keele <christ...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>> > My thoughts on the proposal itself aside, I’d just like to say that I 
>>>> think you’ve set a great example of what proposals on this list should 
>>>> look 
>>>> like. Well done!
>>>> Much appreciated!
>>>> > I have an almost visceral reaction to the use of capture syntax for 
>>>> this though.
>>>> > I think calling the `&…` syntax “capture syntax” is actually 
>>>> misleading, and only has that name because it can be used to construct 
>>>> closures by “capturing” a function name, but it is more accurate to 
>>>> consider it closure syntax, in my opinion.
>>>> This is a very salient point. How do you feel about introducing a new 
>>>> operator for this sugar, such as $:foo?
>>>> On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 7:41:05 PM UTC-5 Paul Schoenfelder wrote:
>>>>> My thoughts on the proposal itself aside, I’d just like to say that I 
>>>>> think you’ve set a great example of what proposals on this list should 
>>>>> look 
>>>>> like. Well done!
>>>>> I have an almost visceral reaction to the use of capture syntax for 
>>>>> this though, and I don’t believe any of the languages you mentioned that 
>>>>> support field punning do so in this fashion. They all use a similar 
>>>>> intuitive syntax where the variable matches the field name, and they 
>>>>> don’t 
>>>>> make any effort to support string keys.
>>>>> If Elixir is to ever support field punning, I strongly believe it 
>>>>> should follow their example. However, there are reasons why Elixir cannot 
>>>>> do so due to syntax ambiguities (IIRC). In my mind, that makes any effort 
>>>>> to introduce this feature a non-starter, because code should be first and 
>>>>> foremost easy to read, and I have yet to see a proposal for this that 
>>>>> doesn’t make the code harder to read and understand, including this one.
>>>>> I’d like to have field punning, but by addressing, if possible, the 
>>>>> core issue that is blocking it. If that can’t be done, I just don’t think 
>>>>> the cost of overloading unrelated syntax is worth it. I think calling the 
>>>>> `&…` syntax “capture syntax” is actually misleading, and only has that 
>>>>> name 
>>>>> because it can be used to construct closures by “capturing” a function 
>>>>> name, but it is more accurate to consider it closure syntax, in my 
>>>>> opinion. 
>>>>> Overloading it to mean capturing things in a more general sense will be 
>>>>> confusing for everyone, and would only work in a few restricted forms, 
>>>>> which makes it more difficult to teach and learn.
>>>>> That’s my two cents anyway, I think you did a great job with the 
>>>>> proposal, but I’m very solidly against it as the solution to the problem 
>>>>> being solved.
>>>>> Paul
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023, at 7:56 PM, Christopher Keele wrote:
>>>>> This is a formalization of my concept here 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/oFbaOT7rTeU/m/BWF24zoAAgAJ>,
>>>>> as a first-class proposal for explicit discussion/feedback, since I now 
>>>>> have a working prototype 
>>>>> <https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/compare/main...christhekeele:elixir:tagged-variable-capture>
>>>>> .
>>>>> *Goal*
>>>>> The aim of this proposal is to support a commonly-requested feature: 
>>>>> *short-hand 
>>>>> construction and pattern matching of key/value pairs of associative data 
>>>>> structures, based on variable names* in the current scope.
>>>>> *Context*
>>>>> Similar shorthand syntax sugar exists in many programming languages 
>>>>> today, known variously as:
>>>>>    - Field Punning <https://dev.realworldocaml.org/records.html> — 
>>>>>    OCaml
>>>>>    - Record Puns 
>>>>> <https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/doc/users_guide/exts/record_puns.html>
>>>>>    — Haskell
>>>>>    - Object Property Value Shorthand 
>>>>> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Object_initializer#property_definitions>
>>>>>    — ES6 Javascript
>>>>> This feature has been in discussion for a decade, on this mailing list 
>>>>> (1 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/4w9eOeLvt-8/m/WOkoPSMm6kEJ>,
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/NoUo2gqQR3I/m/WTpArTGMKSIJ>,
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/3XrVXEVSixc/m/NHU2M4QFAQAJ>,
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/OvSQkvXxsmk/m/bKKHbBxiCwAJ>,
>>>>> 5 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/1W-d_XAlBgAJ>
>>>>> , 6 <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/oFbaOT7rTeU>) 
>>>>> and the Elixir forum (1 
>>>>> <https://elixirforum.com/t/proposal-add-field-puns-map-shorthand-to-elixir/15452>,
>>>>> 2 
>>>>> <https://elixirforum.com/t/shorthand-for-passing-variables-by-name/30583>,
>>>>> 3 
>>>>> <https://elixirforum.com/t/if-you-could-change-one-thing-in-elixir-language-what-you-would-change/19902/17>,
>>>>> 4 
>>>>> <https://elixirforum.com/t/has-map-shorthand-syntax-in-other-languages-caused-you-any-problems/15403>,
>>>>> 5 
>>>>> <https://elixirforum.com/t/es6-ish-property-value-shorthands-for-maps/1524>,
>>>>> 6 
>>>>> <https://elixirforum.com/t/struct-creation-pattern-matching-short-hand/7544>),
>>>>> and has motivated many libraries (1 
>>>>> <https://github.com/whatyouhide/short_maps>, 2 
>>>>> <https://github.com/meyercm/shorter_maps>, 3 
>>>>> <https://hex.pm/packages/shorthand>, 4 <https://hex.pm/packages/synex>). 
>>>>> These narrow margins cannot fit the full history of possibilities, 
>>>>> proposals, and problems with this feature, and I will not attempt to 
>>>>> summarize them all. For context, I suggest reading this mailing list 
>>>>> proposal 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/1W-d_XAlBgAJ>
>>>>> and this community discussion 
>>>>> <https://elixirforum.com/t/proposal-add-field-puns-map-shorthand-to-elixir/15452>
>>>>>  in 
>>>>> particular.
>>>>> However, in summary, this particular proposal tries to solve a couple 
>>>>> of past sticking points:
>>>>>    1. Atom vs String 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/NoUo2gqQR3I/m/IpZQHbZk4xEJ>
>>>>>    key support
>>>>>    2. Visual clarity 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/NBkAVto0BAAJ>
>>>>>    that atom/string matching is occurring
>>>>>    3. Limitations of string-based sigil parsing 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/TiZw6xM3BAAJ>
>>>>>    4. Easy confusion 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/WRhXxHDfBAAJ>
>>>>>    with tuples
>>>>> I have a working fork of Elixir here 
>>>>> <https://github.com/christhekeele/elixir/tree/tagged-variable-capture> 
>>>>> where this proposed syntax can be experimented with. Be warned, it is 
>>>>> buggy.
>>>>> *Proposal: Tagged Variable Captures*
>>>>> I propose we overload the unary capture operator (*&*) to accept 
>>>>> compile-time atoms and strings as arguments, for example *&:foo* and 
>>>>> *&"bar"*. This would *expand at compile time* into *a tagged tuple 
>>>>> with the atom/string and a variable reference*. For now, I am calling 
>>>>> this a *"tagged-variable capture"*  to differentiate it from a 
>>>>> function capture.
>>>>> For the purposes of this proposal, assume:
>>>>> {foo, bar} = {1, 2}
>>>>> Additionally,
>>>>>    - Lines beginning with *# == * indicate what the compiler expands 
>>>>>    an expression to.
>>>>>    - Lines beginning with *# => * represent the result of evaluating 
>>>>>    that expression.
>>>>>    - Lines beginning with *# !> * represent an exception.
>>>>> *Bare Captures*
>>>>> I'm not sure if we should support *bare* tagged-variable capture, but 
>>>>> it is illustrative for this proposal, so I left it in my prototype. It 
>>>>> would look like:
>>>>> &:foo
>>>>> *# == **{:foo, foo}*
>>>>> *# => *{:foo, 1}
>>>>> &"foo"
>>>>> *# == **{"foo", foo}*
>>>>> *# => *{"foo", 1}
>>>>> If bare usage is supported, this expansion would work as expected in 
>>>>> match and guard contexts as well, since it expands before variable 
>>>>> references are resolved:
>>>>> {:foo, baz} = &:foo
>>>>> *# == {:foo, baz} = {:foo, foo}*
>>>>> *# => *{:foo, 1}
>>>>> baz
>>>>> *# => *1
>>>>> *List Captures*
>>>>> Since capture expressions are allowed in lists, this can be used to 
>>>>> construct Keyword lists from the local variable scope elegantly:
>>>>> list = [&:foo, &:bar]
>>>>> *# == **list = [{:foo, foo}, {:bar, bar}]*
>>>>> *# => *[foo: 1, bar: 2]
>>>>> This would work with other list operators like *|*:
>>>>> baz = 3
>>>>> list = [&:baz | list]
>>>>> *# == **list = [**{:baz, baz} **| **list**]*
>>>>> *# => *[baz: 3, foo: 1, bar: 2]
>>>>> And list destructuring:
>>>>> {foo, bar, baz} = {nil, nil, nil}
>>>>> [&:baz, &:foo, &:bar] = list
>>>>> *# == [{:baz, baz}, {:foo, foo}, {:bar, bar}] = list*
>>>>> *# => *[baz: 3, foo: 1, bar: 2]
>>>>> {foo, bar, baz}
>>>>> *# => *{1, 2, 3}
>>>>> *Map Captures*
>>>>> With a small change to the parser, 
>>>>> <https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/commit/0a4f5376c0f9b4db7d71514d05df6b8b6abc96a9>
>>>>> we can allow this expression inside map literals. Because this expression 
>>>>> individually gets expanded into a tagged-tuple before the map 
>>>>> associations 
>>>>> list as a whole are processed, it allow this syntax to work in all 
>>>>> existing 
>>>>> map/struct constructs, like map construction:
>>>>> map = %{&:foo, &"bar"}
>>>>> *# == %{:foo => foo, "bar" => bar}*
>>>>> *# => *%{:foo => 1, "bar" => 2}
>>>>> Map updates:
>>>>> foo = 3
>>>>> map = %{map | &:foo}
>>>>> *# == %{map | :foo => foo}*
>>>>> *# => *%{:foo => 3, "bar" => 2}
>>>>> And map destructuring:
>>>>> {foo, bar} = {nil, nil}
>>>>> %{&:foo, &"bar"} = map
>>>>> *# == %{:foo => foo, "bar" => bar} = map*
>>>>> *# => *%{:foo => 3, "bar" => 2}
>>>>> {foo, bar}
>>>>> *# => *{3, 2}
>>>>> *Considerations*
>>>>> Though just based on an errant thought 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/oFbaOT7rTeU/m/BWF24zoAAgAJ>
>>>>> that popped into my head yesterday, I'm unreasonably pleased with how 
>>>>> well 
>>>>> this works and reads in practice. I will present my thoughts here, though 
>>>>> again I encourage you to grab my branch 
>>>>> <https://github.com/christhekeele/elixir/tree/tagged-variable-capture>, 
>>>>> compile it from source 
>>>>> <https://github.com/christhekeele/elixir/tree/tagged-variable-capture#compiling-from-source>,
>>>>>  and 
>>>>> play with it yourself!
>>>>> *Pro: solves existing pain points*
>>>>> As mentioned, this solves flaws previous proposals suffer from:
>>>>>    1. Atom vs String 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/NoUo2gqQR3I/m/IpZQHbZk4xEJ>
>>>>>  key 
>>>>>    support
>>>>>    This supports both.
>>>>>    2. Visual clarity 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/NBkAVto0BAAJ>
>>>>>  that 
>>>>>    atom/string matching is occurring
>>>>>    This leverages the appropriate literal in question within the 
>>>>>    syntax sugar.
>>>>>    3. Limitations of string-based sigil parsing 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/TiZw6xM3BAAJ>
>>>>>    This is compiler-expansion-native.
>>>>>    4. Easy confusion 
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-lang-core/c/XxnrGgZsyVc/m/WRhXxHDfBAAJ>
>>>>>  with 
>>>>>    tuples
>>>>>    %{&:foo, &"bar"} is very different from {foo, bar}, instead of 
>>>>>    1-character different.
>>>>> Additionally, it solves my main complaint with historical proposals: 
>>>>> syntax to combine a variable identifier with a literal must either 
>>>>> obscure 
>>>>> that we are building an identifier, or obscure the key/string typing of 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> literal.
>>>>> I'm proposing overloading the capture operator rather than introducing 
>>>>> a new operator because the capture operator already has a semantic 
>>>>> association with messing with variable scope, via the nested 
>>>>> integer-based 
>>>>> positional function argument syntax (ex *& &1*).
>>>>> By using the capture operator we indicate that we are messing with an 
>>>>> identifier in scope, but via a literal atom/string we want to associate 
>>>>> with, to get the best of both worlds.
>>>>> *Pro: works with existing code*
>>>>> The capture today operator has well-defined compile-time-error 
>>>>> semantics if you try to pass it an atom or a string. All compiling Elixir 
>>>>> code today will continue to compile as before.
>>>>> *Pro: works with existing tooling*
>>>>> By overloading an existing operator, this approach works seamlessly 
>>>>> for me with the syntax highlighters I have tried it with so far, and 
>>>>> reasonable with the formatter.
>>>>> In my experimentation I've found that the formatter wants to rewrite 
>>>>> *&:baz 
>>>>> *to *(&:baz)* pretty often. That's good, because there are several 
>>>>> edge cases in my prototype where not doing so causes it to behave 
>>>>> strangely; I'm sure it's resolving ambiguities that would occur in 
>>>>> function 
>>>>> captures that impact my proposal in ways I have yet fully anticipated.
>>>>> *Pros: minimizes surface area of the language*
>>>>> By overriding the capture operator instead of introducing a new 
>>>>> operator or sigil, we are able to keep the surface area of this feature 
>>>>> slim.
>>>>> *Cons: overloads the capture operator*
>>>>> Of course, much of the virtues of this proposal comes from overloading 
>>>>> the capture operator. But it is an already semantically fraught syntactic 
>>>>> sugar construct that causes confusion to newcomers, and this would place 
>>>>> more strain on it.
>>>>> We would need to augment it with more than the meager error message 
>>>>> modification 
>>>>> <https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/commit/3d83d21ada860d03cece8c6f90dbcf7bf9e737ec#diff-92b98063d1e86837fae15261896c265ab502b8d556141aaf1c34e67a3ef3717cL199-R207>
>>>>>  in 
>>>>> my prototype, as well as documentation and anticipate a new wave of 
>>>>> questions from the community upon release.
>>>>> This inelegance really shows when considering embedding a tagged 
>>>>> variable capture inside an anonymous function capture, ex *& &1 = 
>>>>> &:foo*. In my prototype I've chosen to allow this rather than error 
>>>>> on "nested captures not allowed" (would probably become: "nested 
>>>>> *function* captures not allowed"), but I'm not sure I found all the 
>>>>> edge-cases of mixing them in all possible constructions.
>>>>> Additionally, since my proposal now allows the capture operator as an 
>>>>> associative element inside map literal parsing, that would change the 
>>>>> syntax error reported by providing a function capture as an associative 
>>>>> element to be generated during expansion rather than during parsing. I am 
>>>>> not fluent enough in leex to have have updated the parser to preserve the 
>>>>> exact old error, but serendipitously what it reports in my prototype 
>>>>> today is pretty good regardless, but I prefer the old behaviour:
>>>>> Old:
>>>>> %{& &1}
>>>>> *# !> **** (SyntaxError) syntax error before '}'*
>>>>> *# !> * |
>>>>> *# !> * 1 | %{& &1}
>>>>> *# !> * | ^
>>>>> New:
>>>>> %{& &1}
>>>>> *# => error: expected key-value pairs in a map, got: & &1*
>>>>> *# => ** (CompileError) cannot compile code (errors have been logged)*
>>>>> *Cons: here there be dragons I cannot see*
>>>>> I'm quite sure a full implementation would require a lot more 
>>>>> knowledge of the compiler than I am able to provide. For example, *&:foo 
>>>>> = &:foo *raises an exception where *(&:foo) = &:foo* behaves as 
>>>>> expected. I also find the variable/context/binding environment 
>>>>> implementation in the erlang part of the compiler during expansion to be 
>>>>> impenetrable, and I'm sure my prototype fails on edge cases there.
>>>>> *Open Question: the pin operator*
>>>>> As this feature constructs a variable ref for you, it is not clear 
>>>>> if/how we should support attempts to pin the generated variable to avoid 
>>>>> new bindings. In my prototype, I have tried to support the pin operator 
>>>>> via 
>>>>> the *&^:atom *syntax, though I'm pretty sure it's super buggy on bare 
>>>>> out-of-data-structure cases and I only got it far enough to work in 
>>>>> function heads for basic function head map pattern matching.
>>>>> *Open Question: charlists*
>>>>> I did not add support for charlist tagged variable captures in my 
>>>>> prototype, as it would be more involved to differentiate a capture of 
>>>>> list 
>>>>> mean to become a tagged tuple from a list representing the AST of a 
>>>>> function capture. I would not lose a lot of sleep over this.
>>>>> *Open Question: allowed contexts*
>>>>> Would we even want to allow this syntax construct outside of map 
>>>>> literals? Or list literals?
>>>>> I can certainly see people abusing the 
>>>>> bare-outside-of-associative-datastructure syntax to make some neigh 
>>>>> impenetrable code where it's really unclear where assignment and pattern 
>>>>> matching is occuring, and relatedly this is where I see a lot of odd 
>>>>> edge-case behaviour in my prototype. I allowed it to speed up the 
>>>>> implementation, but it merits more discussion.
>>>>> On the other hand, this does seem like an... interesting use-case:
>>>>> error = "rate limit exceeded"
>>>>> &:error *# return error tuple*
>>>>> *Thanks for reading! What do you think?*
>>>>> --
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