On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 4:17 AM Christopher Keele <christheke...@gmail.com>

> I think a standard `mix build` interface would be most useful for:
> - People new to Elixir just checking out a project from source and trying
> to see if it compiles, using familiar semantics from other langs
> - People checking out a project from source with compilable deliverables,
> like a CLI executable, which is beyond the purview of most Phoenix
> applications

Hi, Chris.

I'll give a counter opinion on `mix build`. I find it confusing because I
don't know what it does.
I used zig for a while and the most confusing thing about their environment
was the build command.

If `mix build` was added today, I would end up having to read mix.exs every
time to remember what it did.

 I'm not sure a standard alias will be helpful if everyone ends up having
to customize it anyway and then there is no shared understanding of what
`mix build` means.


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