type alias PostResponse =
  (Http.Response, Int)

type alias Model =
    { error : String
    , response:  String

type Msg
    = CreateSeat
    | PostSucceed PostResponse
    | PostFail Http.Error

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
    case msg of
    CreateSeat ->
      (model, postCommand )

    PostSucceed  response ->
      ( { model | response = (toString response) },  Cmd.none )

    PostFail errorMessage ->
      ( {  model | error = (toString errorMessage) }, Cmd.none)
post' : String -> Http.Body -> Task.Task RawError Http.Response
-- post' decoder url body =
post' url body =
    Http.send Http.defaultSettings
    { verb = "POST"
    , headers =[ ("Content-type", "application/json")]
    , url = url
    , body = body
    -- |> Http.fromJson decoder

promoteError : RawError -> Error
promoteError rawError =
  case rawError of
  Http.RawTimeout      -> Http.Timeout
  Http.RawNetworkError -> Http.NetworkError

withResponse : JsonDecode.Decoder a -> Task.Task Http.RawError 
Http.Response -> Task.Task Http.Error (Http.Response, a)
withResponse decoder task =
    decoded response =
      Task.map (\val -> (response, val)) (Http.fromJson decoder 
(Task.succeed response))
    -- Task.mapError promoteError task `Task.andThen` decoded
    Task.mapError promoteError task `Task.andThen` decoded

fakeDecoder : JsonDecode.Decoder Int
fakeDecoder =
    "fakeInt"  := ( JsonDecode.int )

postCommand : Cmd Msg
postCommand =
    body = Http.string """{"seat":{"seat_no": 100, "occupied": true}}"""
    url = "http://localhost:4000/api/seats";

    post' url body
    |> withResponse fakeDecoder
    |> Task.perform PostFail PostSucceed

HOWEVER I just get the value field of the response and nothing else

UnexpectedPayload "Expecting an object with a field named `fakeInt` but 
instead got: {\"data\":{\"seatNo\":100,\"occupied\":true,\"id\":67}}"

What's wrong?

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