I'm unsure if this is Elm'y, but it is built on prior experiences with 
other languages.

I currently have a javascript app that I am slowly converting to Elm as 
parts gets replaced, so I am using a lot of little embedded Elm apps (in a 
single file so as to not duplicate the standard large library).  Each one 
has a main section that calls to and builds up other areas.  I have a 
singular Helper that can dispatch around that I implement in each of my 
main apps like (which I understand is similar to debois/elm-parts though I 
think is more generic?)
type alias Model =
    { helpers : HelpersModel Msg
    | others...

init : ProgramFlags -> Result String Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init programFlags locResult =
        model' : Model
        model' =
            { helpers = Helpers.helpers_init Helpers
            , etc...

type Msg
    = Helpers (HelpersMsg Msg)
    | etc...

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
      case msg of
          Helpers helpersMsg ->
                    ( helpersModel, helpersCmd ) =
                        Helpers.helpers_update Helpers helpersMsg 
                    ( { model | helpers = helpersModel }
                    , helpersCmd

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
        [ helpers_subscriptions Helpers model.helpers
        , etc...

I should probably switch to debois/elm-parts as it is an actually released 
library and so wrap my helpers into it for my project, but as it stands I 
can make new components (many counters if I want!), wrappers for a ton of 
port functionality (How about focus an element after the next rendered 
frame?  Sure!  `cmd_onNextFrame Helpers <| focusElem Helpers 
input_selector`), etc...

On Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 4:15:53 PM UTC-6, Ryan Erb wrote:
> Got a few questions regarding the best way, or what options there are for 
> scaling up to a large site.
> If i have a site with lots of features what is the best way to orgainze 
> everything?
> *One Elm page to rule them all?* With this approach you only have to deal 
> with one update happening, you can separate code into different modules, 
> but the update function would be HUGE. Guess this would be the same as a 
> single page application?
> *One Elm page per HTML page?* This way every page deals with only what it 
> is used for. You can write common things in reusable modules. One problem 
> might be switching to other elm pages. The only really good way right now 
> that i have is using a port to "window.locaion.href" to another elm page. 
> Then pulling all the data it requires from the server using more ports.
> *One Elm page per feature?* This way you can write separate apps for each 
> part of your page. One for the header menu bar, one for a sidebar, and one 
> for each main feature. This way you can mix and match and piece together 
> for a full page. BUT you might have to do a lot of port talking between 
> each section.
> *Some other way?*?????
> Been searching around a cant seem to find any blogs or topics on this 
> subject. Our stack is Elm/Phoenix/Elixir/Postgres.
> If anyone has created a large application using Elm would happy to have 
> your input on what worked/ didn't work for you.
> Thanks,

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