I recently read the documentation for elm-lang/core, and was a bit puzzled 
to find a Color module in there. This in turn, made me come up with a 
series of questions.

* Is Color a core concern?
I would say no. In my projects (not only in Elm) I have yet to find need of 
a Color module (would probably be different if I didn't keep css in .css 
files). That's not to say that I'm representative of Elm developers at 
large, or that Color isn't useful, I just don't think it has a place in the 
core package. One could argue that Elm is about frontend development, which 
has to do with UI, which again has use of Color. Sure. But Html and Http, 
the perhaps most important modules for frontend development are not in the 
core package, so why should Color be there?

* What are the downsides?
The core package is required in every project, this means that core is 
compiled in every single Elm application. One could argue that the core 
package should be as small as possible, because Elm developers shouldn't 
pay for what they don't use. One could also argue that having Color in core 
poses an increased maintenance burden on the core developers, who are 
already overworked as it is. While true, none of these arguments pose a big 
deal, because:

1. Color is probably (not tested) not so big that it has a noticeable 
effect on compile times.
2. Unused code is easily stripped away by a minifier like UglifyJS.
3. The Color module is pretty complete, and I don't see it changing much in 
the future, so the maintenance "burden" is probably very small.

* What are the upsides?
It's probably valuable to have a de-facto Color module for Elm (again, I 
don't make use of it so I don't know). On the other hand, all other modules 
which would be good to have as the "one, true" module are external modules 
(websockets, http, html...).

* Do you have a paper thin argument?
Sure. Having modules in core that don't fit the "core concern" description 
opens the door for discussing adding more modules which also don't match 
the "core concern" description. Evan and other core developers are pretty 
good at saying no though, so I'm not worried about this.

* What would I propose?
I propose that Color should be moved from the core package and placed in a 
package of its own. There are advantages to doing this (though marginal) 
and I believe it outweighs the disadvantages (those who use Color have to 
add a line to their elm-package.json). It's not an important change, and 
shouldn't be a priority, but I still think it should be made.

What do other people think?

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