Will, how would you propose to deal with selective imports? For example:

import Html.Attributes exposing (class)

This is a frequent usage for me. Html.Attributes has a bazillion things in
it, and a lot of them are common words. I want to de-namespace "class"
because I use it frequently, but not the rest of that junk.

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 1:41 PM, Joey Eremondi <joey.eremo...@gmail.com>

> I had suggested something similar a while back: https://groups.google.com/
> forum/#!topic/elm-discuss/qJL51Kf8C2M
> The arguments against it are still valid.
> I don't think there's  widespread dissatisfaction with the import system
> as of 0.17, so I doubt it will change any time soon.
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Will White <will.n.wh...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I have an idea that I think is nice. Make writing List.map actually *do* what
>> import List exposing (map) does, so you don't have to write import List at
>> all. And if you want to use a function without a namespace, e.g. Html,
>> import Html could do what import Html exposing (..) does now.
>> On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 5:17:50 PM UTC, Evan wrote:
>>> Since 0.14, I have been hearing more complaints about imports. Lots of
>>> different proposals and discussions. Beginners struggling to understand how
>>> the different variations fit together. After hearing Laszlo's take on this, 
>>> I
>>> am trying out a new syntax and semantics
>>> <https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-compiler/commit/2234b88396395ec8633b20a4af5261517059d8c4>
>>> .
>>> Here are all the variations of the *syntax*:
>>> import List
>>> import List exposing (map, filter)
>>> import List exposing (..)
>>> import List as L
>>> import List as L exposing (map, filter)
>>> import List as L exposing (..)
>>> The most important change is in *semantics* though. In cases 1-3 you
>>> are able to refer to anything in the List module as List.member and
>>> List.isEmpty. So importing a module implies that you want to be able to
>>> use it's name to qualify all of its values.
>>> In cases 4-6, it is the same except you can qualify with L but not List.
>>> Why hide List though? There may come a time when you don't want name
>>> overlaps with modules, so this makes it possible to avoid collisions.
>>> Overall, I think this meets my goals for this change:
>>>    - All imports are explicit and easy to find. No one can introduce a
>>>    dependency on line 1500 of a file.
>>>    - There will be less duplication in the import section. No importing
>>>    the same thing twice in different ways.
>>>    - It will be easier to understand for beginners.
>>>    - It somewhat discourages exposing by making it longer.
>>> *Remaining Questions:*
>>> *1) *What happens when there are multiple imports of the same module?
>>>    - *a)* Sean proposed making everything additive
>>>    <https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-compiler/issues/874>. This would
>>>    make hiding any defaults impossible.
>>>    - *b)* Maybe we can just disallow multiple imports of the same
>>>    module?
>>> *2)* How this should interact with the current default imports
>>> <https://github.com/elm-lang/core#default-imports>?
>>>    - *a)* Anyone can refer to Basics, List, Maybe, Result, and Signal
>>>    from anywhere? Seems weird.
>>>    - *b)* Certain values are exposed, but the modules are not available
>>>    for making things qualified.
>>> It seems like 1.b and 2.a fit together best. We could make it so
>>> user-defined imports always override default imports and there are no
>>> duplicate user-defined imports.
>>> But maybe there are other alternatives?
>> --
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