I found a javascript hack to trigger mouse event for the first touch.  

It does what I need to do even though it would've been nice to do it 
directly in Elm.

Le lundi 29 août 2016 18:32:12 UTC-6, Jonathan Duncan a écrit :
> Hi am trying to get my drag and drop user interface to work with touch 
> events.  I have it working fine by subscribing to the mouse events from 
> https://github.com/elm-lang/mouse
> I would like to do something similar with touch.  I 
> tried knledg/touch-events but it works with attributes not with 
> subscriptions.
> I've tried copying the mouse.elm into my project and got it working.  I am 
> prototyping to see if I could get it working with touch. I created three 
> new functions
> touchmoves : (Position -> msg) -> Sub msg
> touchmoves tagger =
>     subscription (MySub "touchmove" tagger)
> touchdowns : (Position -> msg) -> Sub msg
> touchdowns tagger =
>     subscription (MySub "touchstart" tagger)
> touchups : (Position -> msg) -> Sub msg
> touchups tagger =
>     subscription (MySub "touchend" tagger)
> but they are not coming in.  I think I need to set an   
> e.preventDefault(); but I don't know how I would go about doing that.
> In the Firefox and Edge browsers, the touch drag works. I guess they send 
> mouse events too when there are touch events. In Chrome the touch drag 
> doesn't work but it does drag fine with the mouse.  
> This example that was made for W3C Touch Events for IE10 and IE11 Mobile 
> (prior to WP 8.1 Update) works with touch in Chrome, it is in Javascript. 
> http://webreflection.github.io/ie-touch/
> https://github.com/WebReflection/ie-touch
> Their javascript looks like this
> <script>
>     this.onload = function () {
>       var
>         handler = {
>           handleEvent: function (e) {
>             this[e.type](e);
>           },
>           touchstart: function (e) {
>             var div = e.currentTarget,
>                 touch = e.touches[0];
>             e.preventDefault();
>             e.currentTarget.textContent = 'start';
>             this.diffY = touch.pageY - parseFloat(div.style.top || 60);
>             this.diffX = touch.pageX - parseFloat(div.style.left || 60);
>           },
>           touchmove: function (e) {
>             var div = e.currentTarget,
>                 touch = e.touches[0];
>             e.preventDefault();
>             div.textContent = 'move';
>             div.style.top = (touch.pageY - this.diffY) + 'px';
>             div.style.left = (touch.pageX - this.diffX) + 'px';
>           },
>           touchend: function (e) {
>             e.preventDefault();
>             e.currentTarget.textContent = 'end';
>           },
>           touchcancel: function (e) {
>             e.preventDefault();
>             e.currentTarget.textContent = 'cancel';
>           }
>         }
>       ;
>       Object.keys(handler).forEach(function (key) {
>         this.addEventListener(key, handler);
>       }, document.querySelector('div'));
>     };
>     </script>
> I would like to do something similar in my elm app.
> Any ideas or workarounds?
> Thanks

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