This is a case I also run into a lot. Haven't yet found a library/ good 
examples for how to deal with it.
The pattern I typically use is:

type alias UID = String -- so it is clear when I deal with ID or Reference

type alias Model = 
  { artists : List Artist
  , albums : List Album
  , nextUID : UID -- for creating new items

type alias Artist =
  { uid : UID
  , name : String
  , albums : List UID

type alias Album =
  { uid : UID
  , name : String
  , artists : List UID

albumsForArtist : UID -> Model -> Maybe (List Album)
albumsForArtist artistUID model =
  getArtist artistUID model -- Maybe Artist
  |> (.albums)  -- Maybe (List UID)
  |> ( (\uid -> getAlbum uid model)) -- Maybe (List (Maybe 
  |> catMaybes -- Maybe (List Album) (catMaybes is from Exts.Maybe 

getArtist : UID -> Model -> Maybe Artist
getArtist artistUID model =
  case List.filter (\artist -> artist.uid == artistUID) model.artists of
    artist :: _ ->
      Just artist

    _ ->

Whenever I need one or more albums/ artists from the model, (e.g. in a List 
view), I use the UID to get a Maybe of some kind.
Getting Nothing triggers a fetch from the server to supply more data.

This way, I try to keep "One source of Truth": any album and any artist is 
only stored in 1 place in my model.
And with a flat model, I can easily build navigation/ views where a e.g. 
user clicks album, then one of the artists of that album, then one of the 
albums of that artist etc etc.

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