I think you could create an animation library that doesn't store any 
functions in its model and still be able to let a user provide whatever 
easing function they want.

E.g. remove the ease key from your AnimRecord and let all functions that 
currently take an Animation have an additional parameter easingFunction:

animate : EasingFunction -> Time -> Animation -> Float

This way a user of your library doesn't have to put any functions in their 
model and you get both a function free model and endless customization by 
providing whatever easing function a user needs.

Am I missing something?

On Wednesday, 5 October 2016 07:56:04 UTC+2, Max Goldstein wrote:
> Serialization: animations are view state. They can safely be left out of a 
> serialized and persisted model.
> Print out the model: True, but if you're using animation in an app, you're 
> beyond poking at the model in the REPL.
> Harder to equate: My animation library provides an "equals" function. In 
> addition to sampling the easing function, it accounts for a few other ways 
> animations can have different representations but be considered equal (e.g. 
> start at time t with delay k == start at time t+k with no delay).
> "just store the things needed to create the function" -> This is 
> essentially the "EasingDescription" idea I talked about above. The problem 
> is that easing functions can be created in many way (sinusoids, 
> polynomials, exponentials, bounces) and I want to allow the client to 
> specify any function.

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