Here is a very simple failure case that shows that comparing tasks isn't
necessarily safe (though it does succeed if I create two success tasks):

import Html exposing (..)

import Http

task1 = Http.getString "http://somewhere";

task2 = Http.getString "http://somewhere";

main = text <| if task1 == task2 then "Match" else "No match"

What in this was supposed to clue me in that it might throw a runtime
exception other than the use of ==?


On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Mark Hamburg <> wrote:

> I just thought of another example where the ability to test function
> equality matters:
> Picking up on a discussion on elm-dev regarding the new HTTP rate limiting
> logic, I thought about moving my case away from using rate limit and
> instead just creating the model code to manage buffering HTTP requests.
> This is pretty easy to do with the new Http.Request. (It would also have
> been straightforward with tasks but might have felt a bit less natural.)
> But to handle things correctly, I need to test Http.Request for equality.
> Is that safe to do or does it incorporate a function somewhere — e.g., in a
> decoder — and hence does comparing it for equality risk a runtime
> exception? How would I know without looking inside the implementation of
> Http.Request and potentially everything it references?
> Mark
> (*) The specific use case I'm thinking about is a variation of
> RemoteData.WebData to support setting the desired request as a way to drive
> it. Thinking about it further, tasks might be even better since they exist
> at a lower level but similar concerns over equality testing generating
> runtime exceptions would apply.

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