I remember Evan said that range syntax was one of the things he was asked 
most about from new coders. Not only "what's this?" but also "how do I make 
a range, I couldn't find anything in the documentation."

Then one comes to realize that there are other problems with range syntax. 
In addition to being more syntax to learn, and harder to discover through 
documentation, it's also not as flexible as a regular function. Then you 
also have to ask yourself if you use ranges enough that it actually 
warrants its own syntax.

søndag 13. november 2016 00.53.05 UTC+1 skrev أحمد حبنكة følgende:
> I was reading the elm-dev list and I knew that elm 0.18 removed the range 
> syntax, so code like this : 
> [2..3]
> won't work anymore.
> I want to know what are the foundations behind this decision ?

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