Hi Wouter,

You might want to check out the article on Medium about Json Decode and 
Json Decode Pipeline API for in depth info on these API.



On Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 9:09:06 PM UTC+9, Wouter In t Velt wrote:
> In the Json.Decode docs 
> <http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/5.0.0/Json-Decode> I 
> ran into unfamiliar functions in an example in the lazy 
> <http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/5.0.0/Json-Decode#lazy> 
> section.
> comment : Decoder Commentcomment =
>   object Comment
>     |> required "message" string
>     |> required "responses" (map Responses (list (lazy (\_ -> comment))))
> After some digging, I discovered that required function is in fact part of 
> a different package: elm-decode-pipeline 
> <http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline/latest>
> I do not know where the `object` function is from.
> To save others a similar search, and to make things clearer, I would 
> suggest to remove the `object` and `required` from the examples in the docs,
> or make an explicit reference to the package(s) where the come from.

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