Your Msg is the type you use to send data back. You actually send it to the 
Elm runtime. The Elm runtime then sends it to your update function, 
together with a model.

The nice thing is, you can pass more than one parameter in your message. If 
you define your message as:

type Msg = Input Int Int String

Your message has 2 integers (1 for column, 1 for row in a table) + a string.

You can then use that in your update function to update the correct column 
and row in your table.

Below is a simplified example, you can copy/paste to

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)

main =
  beginnerProgram { model = myTable, view = view, update = update }

myTable : List (List String)
myTable = 
  [ [ "Name", "Age", "Comment" ]
  , [ "Abe", "45", "" ]
  , [ "Bill", "69", "" ]
  , [ "Claire", "54", "" ]  

view model =
    [ table []
      (List.indexedMap viewRow model)

viewRow : Int -> List String -> Html Msg
viewRow rowIndex rowCells =
  tr [] 
     (List.indexedMap (viewCell rowIndex) rowCells)
viewCell : Int -> Int -> String -> Html Msg
viewCell rowIndex colIndex content =
    [ attribute "data-x" "1"
    , attribute "data-y" "1"
    , onInput (Input rowIndex colIndex)
    , contenteditable True
    , style [("border","solid black 1px")]
    [ text content ]
type Msg = Input Int Int String

update msg model =
  case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
    Input rowIndex colIndex str ->
      |> updateList rowIndex (updateList colIndex (always str))
updateList : Int -> (a -> a) -> List a -> List a
updateList index func list =
  |> List.indexedMap (\i item -> if i == index then func item else item)

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