Hi Frankie, thanks for trying Elm, glad you like it!

> But why isn't the ability to create fuzzy records/data available outside 
> that package? What I usually do is to stub out the UI given a certain model 
> type. Being able to call fuzzy generators in my Main namespace to populate 
> the model makes it easier iterate on an initial design and can still be 
> very useful to run the application in 'mock mode'. Any chance we can see 
> the generators extracted in their own library?

I'm the co-author of elm-test. We're going to add a way to run fuzzers 
outside of elm-test <https://github.com/elm-community/elm-test/issues/82> 
but that's probably not what you want. The fuzzers are designed to produce 
edge cases, and most of the work that goes into them is around being able 
to shrink values into smaller forms to obtain a minimal test failure. Test 
data is fundamentally different from mocked data, especially if you want to 
be able to do UI design or take screenshots (i.e. for documenting your UI). 
I think you may want random-extra 
<http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-community/random-extra/latest> which 
includes a lot of similar helper functions, though it's still fairly 

Long-term, I would love for someone to port part of faker 
<https://github.com/stympy/faker> to Elm.

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