I honestly don't know if your code "should" typecheck or not, but if it 
did, it wouldn't do anything more than what you already have. The function 
you pass would only have access to the rect field. I think this code would 
be simpler, and no less expressive, if the function argument was Rectangle 
-> a. The fact that it's wrapped with some arbitrary fields is mixing 

I anyone using extensible records much?

I don't think people are using extensible record type aliases much. The { a 
| fieldICareAbout : Int } -> Thing pattern is useful, though. (For example, 
to call a view helper with the whole model but guarantee that it can't look 
at certain fields.)

Nesting these field definitions makes the code a lot less readable then 
just listing the records exactly. Try to make your type definitions more 
explicit, and use your functions signatures to abstract away some of the 

State.mapPosition : (Rectangle -> a) -> State -> Maybe a
State.updatePosition : (Rectangle -> Rectangle) -> State -> State

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