Is the issue specific to when running in debug mode (when using Elm Reactor 
or compiling with --debug), by any chance? I recently encountered an issue 
where the debugger will scan through the entire model after every update, 
which is quite slow if there are large data structures in the model. I 
posted about the issue and my workaround on Reddit 

On Monday, 3 April 2017 09:32:22 UTC-4, Jais Cheema wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently working on a SPA which stores a list of records (~ 2500) 
> with 4 fields in the model. One of those fields is another list which 
> contains 2 items on average but can be more. 
> I am implementing a form component to create a new item, and the issue I 
> am seeing is that there is a very noticeable lag after every action. Form 
> does not deal with the previous mentioned list, but updates another record 
> which is a part of the list. Below is simplified version of my model code.
> type alias Parent =
>     { id: Int
>     , title: String
>     , children: List Child
>     }
> type alias Child =
>     { id: Int
>     , title: String
>     }
> type alias Form =
>     { title: String }
> type alias Model = 
>     { rootNodes: List Parent
>     , rootNodeForm: Maybe Form
>     }
> Can someone please recommend how can I overcome this issue? Or even 
> pointers on what actions are expensive in Elm and I should be avoiding when 
> dealing with large amount of data in your model?
> Thank you in advance :)
> Cheers
> Jais Cheema

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