> One thing that I think I would have tried in this case, it to delegate the 
> long running computation to a webworker 
> <http://caniuse.com/#search=Web%20Workers>, and then talk with it through 
> a port.

I'm not from the web community. I had bases in html+css+js, but pretty much 
had to relearn my JS when started to try elm, so I've never used web 
workers before. Not sure I'd like to take some time to learn how it works.

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 5:10:30 AM UTC+8, Rupert Smith wrote:
> Did you try this technique? Its not ideal, but at least it makes it no 
> longer a stopper.

Nope, but thanks, I keep the idea in mind. Actually, It wasn't the only 
issue I had since this was mainly image manipulation. The lack of binary 
data type support was also very restricting. Then I didn't want to invest 
too much energy in this. I prefer to wait and see for now, busy with other 
matters. I'm still confident in the fact that elm is a great language and 
evolves slowly but surely. I'm just here a bit too early for some of my 
needs. For the rest, I'm very happy with elm.

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