I think you need to add a variable to your model that records whether the 
editor is being used and then in yout subscription you have 

myKbdSubs model = 
  if model.editorBeingUsed then 
  else <whatever you already have>

On Thursday, 19 October 2017 00:34:35 UTC+2, Dave Doty wrote:

I am using this Ace Editor adapted to Elm: 
> https://github.com/DenisKolodin/elm-ace
> However, my problem seems not specific to that editor, but applies to any 
> program that wants to support an embedded editor whose contents can be 
> updated by the program, and also that can respond to global keypress events.
> The editor text can be updated either by
> 1) the user typing, or
> 2) the program updating the text (e.g., pressing a "load default text" 
> button)
> The user can also press some keyboard shortcuts (',' and '.') to do other 
> actions. These are handled by my update function:
> update msg model = 
>     ...
>     KeyMsg keyCode ->
>         if keyCode == Char.toCode ',' then
>             update Backward model
>         else if keyCode == Char.toCode '.' then
>             update Forward model
>         else
>             ( model, Cmd.none )
> This is called whenever the user presses any key because of this 
> subscription that uses the elm-lang/keyboard library:
> subscriptions model =
>     Keyboard.presses KeyMsg
> The problem is that all of the keypresses made when editing cause the 
> update function to be called, not just the two that I care about. Most of 
> them are not ',' or '.' so the model is returned unchanged in the else 
> clause above.
> But this causes the following problem: in my view function, the editor 
> updates its contents to be whatever the model says the text should be (for 
> instance, the user may press a button that loads some default text):
> view model = 
>     ...
>     Ace.toHtml
>         [ Ace.value model.text        -- updates editor to display model.
> text
>         , Ace.onSourceChange NewText  -- updates model.text to be latest 
> editor contents
>         ]
>         []
> The purpose of onSourceChange above is to trigger another call to the 
> update function, which allows me to update my model text with the new 
> editor contents. In other words, the two lines above are the bi-directional 
> data binding between model.text and the editor's text contents. The 
> second one implies a call to the update function:
> update msg model = 
>     ...
>     NewText newText ->
>         ( {model | text = newText}, Cmd.none )
> The problem is that the Elm runtime is ordering events so that the text in 
> the editor never gets updated when the user tries to type new text. 
> Here is the order of events:
>    1. User types to edit text in the editor.
>    2. Because of the subscription I registered for global keystroke 
>    events, Elm runtime calls update with the message KeyMsg indicating 
>    which key was pressed.
>    3. Model is updated (in the KeyMsg case of my update function) to the 
>    "new" model, but most of the time this is identical to the old model since 
>    only ',' and '.' actually return a changed model. Importantly, this is 
>    the *old* text, not containing the new character that the user typed.
>    4. The view function is called, and the Ace.toHtml updates the text 
>    contents of the editor to be what the model.text field is... which erases 
>    in the editor the new character that the user just tried to enter, since 
>    model.text still has the old, pre-keystroke text.
>    5. The update function is called with a NewText message, but it's too 
>    late. By now the editor has had its new text erased and replaced with the 
>    old text. Ideally, this event would have happened in between steps 1 and 
> 2, 
>    but steps 2,3,4 seem to happen before this does.
> I'm not sure how to get around this. 
> *Idea 1:* figure out a way to prevent the update function from being 
> called at all when a keystroke other than ',' or '.' occurs. This is not 
> ideal because then they can't type ',' or '.' in the editor, but it would 
> be a workaround because I could perhaps assign Ctrl+... keys or something.
> *Idea 2:* Re-order the updates so that, when the user enters new text in 
> the editor, it is guaranteed that update is called with the NewText message 
> before it is called with the KeyMsg message. I don't know of any way to do 
> this.
> *Idea 3:* Re-design how I'm passing messages through the system so that, 
> no matter the order in which messages are delivered, if the user tries to 
> enter new text, eventually that new text makes its way into the model.
> *Idea 4:* don't use the Keyboard library to respond to global keypress 
> events, and find something that is more specific to what I want (to give 
> the user a couple of keyboard shortcuts, without calling the update 
> function every time any key is pressed). Suggestions for such a library?

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