On 05/03/2018 22:51, Phil Perry wrote:
On 05/03/18 20:29, Nick Howitt wrote:

On 05/03/2018 20:24, Nick Howitt wrote:

On 05/03/2018 20:16, Phil Perry wrote:
On 05/03/18 09:35, Nick Howitt wrote:

I have a little USB 802.11ac dongle that I'm trying to get going in my server. lsusb gives:

    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0bda:a811 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
    RTL8811AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN Adapter

I've had a look at the current kmod driver which is version 8188eu-kmod-4.1.4_6773.20130222-3 and it does not cover the USB ID. Looking at the spec file in the src rpm it points me to https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8188eu but there is no useful update there.

There appear to be a few sources for this driver such as https://github.com/abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux and https://github.com/diederikdehaas/rtl8812AU which both cover the USB ID. Are you able to work your magic on one of these or any other relevant version you can find?

Many thanks,


Sure, I can take a look but it probably won't be before the weekend.

Do either of those driver sources compile / work for you? The first one looks more maintained so I'd probably start with that. I couldn't find any linux driver/source on the Realtek website for your device, only for Windows. I wonder where these (above) driver sources originated?

elrepo mailing list
Hi Phil,
I have not tried compiling anything because I don't know what magic you do. I can give it a go and see what happens. I am puzzled about the sources because I tried searching github for rtl8188au and only the lwfinger sources appeared so I must searching incorrectly. I agree about the realtek site. I tried searching there as well.
Yours puzzled,
elrepo mailing list
Google-fu working better: https://github.com/zebulon2/rtl8812au-driver-5.2.20 and https://github.com/gordboy/rtl8812au. I've never compiled dkms stuff before ....


These are originally imported from Realtek. For example, see the Realtek changelog from your last link:


Still, briefly looking at the code I anticipate huge issues getting the code to build on el7. The issue is the code uses many conditionals based on the linux kernel version. The code views the el7 kernel as a 3.10 kernel, but Red Hat has backported the wireless stack from kernel-4.11 in el7.4 which is most likely why your builds fail.

To be brutally honest, it's generally not worth the effort trying to fix this, as even if we do fix it, it will break again next month when Red Hat release el7.5 with a backported wireless stack based upon kernel-4.14. Rather than me/us trying to fix it, I would request Realtek provide a driver that supports RHEL and let them do the hard work, or not buy their hardware.

I would put your unsupported hardware back in it's box and stick it on a shelf until such time as it is natively supported, and buy something that works out of the box. For example, I recently purchased an Edimax N150 nano USB adapter (EW-7811Un) for less than $10 on Amazon which is natively supported and works fine out of the box on el7 (based on Realtek RTL8188CUS chipset, uses the rtl8192cu driver), replacing a failing internal WiFi adapter in my laptop.

elrepo mailing list
I'm giving up. I've found references to v4.3.8 compiling OK. I found those at https://github.com/ulli-kroll/rtl8821au/tree/original/v4.3.8/vanilla and they compile with a couple of warnings. I can modprobe the resulting .ko but it is never used or associated with the NIC so ifcfg files never get created and so on.

I'm just looking out for a cheap adaptor to play with to try out n and ac 5GHz configurations on the server. I'll start hunting again. I thought I had it sorted, but it is hard to get the PCI/USB ID's in advance of buying the adaptor.

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