
is there any user from france available who could capture the
appropriate SECAM firmware in windows?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: zhirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 21, 2007 7:51 PM
Subject: Pinnacle 330e  - still no sound

Dear Markus,

I have tried both your drivers, stable and experimental (for analog TV only)
and video is perfect even on my ancient laptop Toshiba Satellite 3000!
My system is SuSE 10.2, stable driver with kernel 2.6.18 (update) and
experimental one with 2.6.21 (SuSE factory), TV card Pinnacle PCTV Hybdrid
Pro Stick 330e.
Unfortunately I still have no audio, any workarounds with redirection of sound
doesn't help.

In April mailist I have found your message on Sat Apr 14 02:07:42 2007, where
you have stated, that SECAM output is not supported due to improper firmware,
with an advice how to extract it from windows driver.

Unfortumately, I currently have no windows on my laptop, and cannot help with
this. However, this message is  issued a month ago, and may be the problem is
already solved?



Markus Rechberger

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