
2008/12/29 Oleg V. Zhirov <zhi...@inp.nsk.su>:
> Hi, everyone!
> Some clarification of the problem:
> 1. Carefull testing the driver with different tv-programs shows that
> everything with the tv norm management is OK. In particular, using memcoder
> one can see in its output that the Russia tv-norm SECAM-DK is supported and
> can be choosen by option normid=6.
> 2. Something is wrong with tv-norm management in tvtime: it looks like that
> instead of SECAM-DK tvtime set a wrong tv-norm, SECAM-L. In this program the
> choice between defferent SECAM's is automatic, and user cannot manage it.
> There is a question however, either the driver supplies some wrong data (or
> in wrong format) to tvtime, that prevents an automatic choice of tv-norm, or
> the corresponding procedure in tvtime is broken?
> 3. There is some strange influence of audio channel to video, which is
> probably first mentioned in the post by Peter Stuge
> http://mcentral.de/pipermail/em28xx/2008-December/002277.html.

ok I'll check what you figured out here.

there's a well known problem.
The tuner driver comes with frequency lists which store a special
setting for the particular country.
It also has special settings for SECAM and France. When using SECAM
with the channellist from somewhere
else it won't work with SECAM-L in france.
The windows tuner part has special settings for this, the linux API
cannot handle it since it only allows to set
the standard and the frequency.
> It results in video artefacts if audio is not used (e.g. by sox that
> redir
One solution might be to implement the tuner driver into the v4l
userspace library which is already available
in order to avoid that incomplete linux API and to be backward compatible.

> It results in video artefacts if audio is not used (e.g. by sox that
> redirect

Did you check back with the USB Hub? It might be interesting if this
issue comes up in a frequent interval, maybe
the linux usb stack damages the usb packets.


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