Taking advantage of the new org-batch-agenda-csv functionality, I've
written a little Python script for exporting an org agenda to PDF,
using LaTeX as an intermediary.  Currently, it's a bit of a crude
'worksforme' implementation that could be cleaned up a lot and made
more general.  Quite a bit of stuff is hardcoded into some LaTeX
headers/footers that are stored as python strings at the top of the
file.  Still, it's at the point that it is, in principle, useful, and
I thought I'd post it here for some feedback before putting it on my
website, announcing on the 43Folders board, etc.

# pyagenda -- export an org agenda to PDF
# (c) 2007, Jason F. McBrayer
# Version: 1.0
# This file is a stand-alone program.
# Legalese:
# pyagenda is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# pyagenda is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# Documentation:
# pyagenda is a short python program for taking a formatted agenda
# from org-mode (via org-batch-agenda-csv) and producing a PDF-format
# planner page that can be inserted in a planner binder.  Run
# 'pyagenda --help' for usage.
# Currently, this is only a crude 'worksforme' implementation, with
# many things being hardcoded.  It produces an output file named
# cmdkey.pdf where 'cmdkey' is the key given to
# org-agenda-custom-commands. Not all arbitrary searches will work.
# Be aware that it may overwrite cmdkey.tex, cmdkey.log, cmdkey.aux,
# etc.  The output size is hardcoded to 5.5x8.0in, which is suitable
# for a Circa or Rollabind junior sized planner.  The output is not
# suitable for daily/weekly agenda views, and does not present all the
# information it could.  If you want to change any of the output, edit
# the TEX_* constants.
#   1. Use safer tmpfile handling.
#   2. Nicer command-line handling.
#   3. Prettier output, including use of more of the information
#      passed by org-batch-agenda-csv.

import csv
import sys
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call

EMACS = 'emacs'
INIT_FILE = "~/.emacs.d/init.el" # Most people should use "~/.emacs" instead
AGENDA_COMMAND = '(org-batch-agenda-csv "%s")'
\\documentclass[twoside, american]{article}


  {#1 \\hrule width \\columnwidth }


\\textsf{%s} \\hfill{}%%
\\protect \\\\


TEX_ITEM = """

class AgendaItem(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None):
        if data:
            self.category = data[0]
            self.headline = data[1]
            self.type = data[2]
            self.todo = data[3]
            self.tags = data[4].split(':')
            self.date = data[5]
            self.time = data[6]
            self.extra = data[7]
            self.prio = data[8]
            self.fullprio = data[9]

def get_agenda_items(cmdkey):
    output = Popen([EMACS, "-batch", "-l", INIT_FILE,
                    "-eval", AGENDA_COMMAND % cmdkey ],
                   stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

    reader = csv.reader(output.stdout)
    items = []
    for row in reader:
    return items

def usage():
    print "Usage: pyagenda 'cmd-key' [label]"
    print "  cmd-key is an org agenda custom command key, or an "
    print "   org-agenda tags/todo match string."
    print "  label (optional) is a context label to be printed "
    print "   at the top of your agenda page."

def main():
        search = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
    if search == "--help" or search == "-h":
        label = sys.argv[2]
    except IndexError:
        label = ""
    texfile = file(search + ".tex", 'w')
    texfile.write(TEX_HEADER % label + "\n")
    for item in get_agenda_items(search):
        texfile.write(TEX_ITEM %
                      item.headline.replace('&', r'\&') + "\n" )
    call(['pdflatex', texfile.name], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    os.unlink(search + ".aux")
    os.unlink(search + ".log")

if __name__ == '__main__':

| Jason F. McBrayer                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| If someone conquers a thousand times a thousand others in |
| battle, and someone else conquers himself, the latter one |
| is the greatest of all conquerors.  --- The Dhammapada    |
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