Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'd prefer to use trackerĀ¹, as it is one component of the GNU desktop
> -- Gnome. There are just so many random email indexing tools. If we
> want to pick one, Tracker is a good choice.

Okay. Now it seems better to me not to integrate any exotic external
tool directly within Org.

Maybe we could use something like `org-custom-link-types' to do the
trick: its need to know about new link-types, major modes where they
come into play and what function `org-open-at-point' calls for them.

For example :

(setq org-custom-link-types 
      '(("mairix" (gnus-summary-mode gnus-article-mode) 
         'org-make-mairix-link 'org-follow-mairix-link)))

It will make Org knowing about a new "mairix" link type. When you're in
`gnus-summary-mode' or `gnus-article-mode' this type is used instead of
the default `gnus' type. `org-make-mairix-link' is used to build the
link, and `org-follow-mairix-link' is used to open link at point.  

Am not completely sure on how this could be achieved in details, but I
believe it's a better approach to the integration of tools like mairix,
tracker and the like.

What do you think?


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