Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 09/05/2007 10:42 AM:
Hi all,

In addition to being pretty new to org-mode, I'm also an emacs novice. I am running ubuntu feisty with emacs 22.1.1 from the feisty backports repository.

At some point, I made a mess of things in upgrading org-mode; stupidly I sometimes modified the makefile so as to install the local lisp files to a local lisp tree ~/emacs/site-lisp (loaded by my .emacs) and sometimes so that they ended up in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp. My bad.


Could someone with a similar OS/emacs combo please suggest what's the right thing to do?

Hi all,

I got a couple of off-list replies. I summarize them here for future googlers :-)

Both replies suggested that ~/emacs/site-lisp was probably the right thing. (You can ensure that works by including a line like
   (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/brian/emacs/site-lisp")
early in your .emacs.)

The really helpful bit was reminding me that I ought to run the make dance as me, rather than by sudo'ing. This will ensure that the process will only work if I am indeed installing into my local directory.

Thanks to those who wrote,

Brian vdB

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