Been using org-mode since 22.1 came out and I use it to run my life...nice work!

I've been taking notes on predicate calculus in org-mode and just started using the embedded LaTeX feature. I use symbols like \vee, \wedge, \rightarrow, \leftrightarrow, etc. in my notes.

When I export to HTML, all my conjunction/disjunction notes are reversed! I.e. it seems all the ^ symbols are exported as v symbols and vice versa.

I am using Carbon Emacs with version 4.67c and figured it might be fixed in 5.13i, but it appears to export with the same error after I installed the update.

It appears the error is on lines 22323-22324 of org.el in version 5.13i:
    ("and") ("vee"."∧")
    ("or") ("wedge"."∨")
seems like it should be:
    ("and") ("wedge"."∧")
    ("or") ("vee"."∨")

When I make that change, everything appears to work as I expected.

I googled around but didn't find I crazy?


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