Yes, I am now automatically building this file, and I forgot to add this line.
Add it yourself, or download 5.14 again, should be fixed now also in
the release.

- Carsten

On Nov 27, 2007 3:08 PM, Rainer Stengele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carsten Dominik schrieb:
> > Hi,
> >
> > it has been a while, but finally its done.  I am releasing Org-mode
> > 5.14 at
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks to Bastien who has contributed a lot to this release.
> >
> > Again there is a long list of changes, make sure you read it
> > all the way to the end, or you might miss the fix *you*
> > have requested.
> >
> > Enjoy!
> >
> > - Carsten
> >
> > Changes in Version 5.14
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >
> > Overview
> > ========
> >
> >    + Remember and related stuff
> >      - New command `org-refile' to quickly move a note.
> >      - Easy way to jump to the target location of remember template.
> >      - New %-escapes in remember templates: %c %(...) and %[...]
> >      - `org-remember-insinuate' simplifies remember setup
> >
> >    + Emphasis and Font-lock stuff
> >      - Stacked emphasis is no longer allowed.
> >      - You may finally emphasize a single character like `*a*'.
> >      - Font-lock now can hide the emphasis markers
> >      - Text in the "=" emphasis is exported verbatim
> >      - There is a new emphasis marker "~" for verbatim text
> >      - Constructs treated specially by the exporters can be highlighted
> >
> >    + Properties and Column view
> >      - More control over which properties use inheritance
> >      - CATEGORY="work" can now be used in a tags/property search
> >      - the {+} summary type can specify a printf-style output format
> >      - New currency summary type {$}
> >
> >    + The date/time prompt
> >      - While entering data, watch live the current interpretation.
> >      - The date prompt now prefers to select the future
> >      - Easier modification of time in an existing time stamp.
> >
> >    + Export
> >      - You can now export some special strings in HTML, like "..."
> >      - #+EMAIL: may contain several email addresses
> >
> >    + Agenda
> >      - In the agenda, a few keys have changed: `g', `G', and `e'.
> >
> >    + Miscellaneous
> >      - Class-dependent sectioning structures in LaTeX export.
> >      - Radio-lists modeled after the radio tables.
> >      - The default for `org-ellipsis' is back to nil
> >      - Support for pabbrev-mode
> >      - New variable `org-show-entry-below'.
> >
> > Incompatible changes
> > ====================
> >
> >    - If you have customized the variable `org-emphasis-alist' or
> >      org-export-emphasis-alist', you need to do it again by first
> >      canceling your customization and then adding it again.
> >
> >    - I know that some people have defined their own private helper
> >      functions to select a specific remember template, without being
> >      prompted, like this:
> >
> >       (defun my-remember-template-n ()
> >          (interactive)
> >          (org-remember ?n))
> >
> >      You need to modify this.  The character selecting the template
> >      must now be the /second/ argument to `org-remember':
> >
> >       (defun my-remember-template-n ()
> >          (interactive)
> >          (org-remember nil ?n))
> >
> >    - `C-c C-w' now refiles an entry.  To get a sparse tree of
> >      deadlines, use `C-c / d' instead.
> >
> > Details
> > =======
> >
> > Remember and related stuff
> > --------------------------
> >
> >     - New command `org-refile' to quickly move a note to a
> >       different place.  It is bound to `C-c C-w'.  The foremost
> >       application might be to put a note or task captured with
> >       `remember' into the proper list or project.  The command
> >       offers a list of possible refiling targets for completion.
> >       These are headings under which the entry will be inserted
> >       as a subitem.  By default, this will offer all top-level
> >       headings in the current buffer, but you can configure the
> >       variable `org-refile-targets' to get more complex
> >       definitions.  For example:
> >
> >        (setq org-refile-targets '((nil . (:level . 2))))
> >
> >       selects all level 2 headlines in the current buffer as
> >       targets.  And
> >
> >        (setq org-refile-targets
> >             '((org-agenda-files . (:tag . "refile"))))
> >
> >       searches all agenda files and selects headlines that are
> >       explicitly marked with the tag :refile: .  Note that the
> >       list of targets is built upon first use only, to rebuilt
> >       it, call the command `C-c C-w' with a double prefix
> >       argument.
> >
> >       This is based on an idea and example implementation by Max
> >       Mikhanosha.  Many thanks Max.
> >
> >     - You can now use a C-u prefix on `org-remember' to jump to
> >       the location where a specific templates stores its notes.
> >       For example, if you have `org-remember' bound to `C-c r',
> >       then `C-u C-c r n' will get you to the file and headline
> >       given in the template associated with the letter "n".
> >
> >       This was proposed by someone, but I have lost track who.
> >       Sorry, and thanks anyway.
> >
> >     - New %-escapes in remember templates:
> >
> >        %c     insert the current clipboard, like C-y would do
> >        %(..)  evaluate Lisp expression and insert the result
> >        %[..]  include file
> >
> >       Thanks to Adam Spiers and Tim O'Callaghan.
> >
> >     - New function `org-remember-insinuate' that makes is easier
> >       to set Org-mode specific values for remember variables.
> >       Thanks to Michael Olson for this proposal.  It is
> >       equivalent to:
> >
> >        (require 'remember)
> >        (setq remember-annotation-functions '(org-remember-annotation))
> >        (setq remember-handler-functions '(org-remember-handler))
> >        (add-hook 'remember-mode-hook 'org-remember-apply-template))
> >
> >       You might still want to set `org-default-notes-file' to
> >       provide a default for templates without a file, and
> >       `org-directory' to show where to find other org files.
> >
> > Emphasis and Font-lock stuff
> > ----------------------------
> >
> >     - Stacked emphasis like `*/bold italic/*' is no longer allowed.
> >
> >     - You may finally emphasize a single character like `*a*'.
> >
> >     - Font-lock now can hide the emphasis markers, just like Muse
> >       does.  Configure the variable `org-hide-emphasis-markers'
> >       if you want this.  Showing the characters continues to be
> >       the default in Org-mode.
> >
> >     - Text in the "=" emphasis is now exported verbatim, i.e. no
> >       further parsing and interpretation of this text takes place.  So
> >       you can write `=quoted *xxx* a_x = b='.  This and the following
> >       point implement a request by Daniel Clemente.
> >
> >     - There is a new emphasis marker "~" which marks text to be
> >       exported verbatim, without special formatting.  Inside an
> >       org-mode file, this text is highlighted with the org-verbatim
> >       face.  I am not happy with the face yet (currently is is like
> >       org-code, but underlined), please suggest a better one.
> >
> >     - Whether an emphasis environment is verbatim or not is now an
> >       extra flag in the variable `org-emphasis-alist'.  If you have
> >       configured this variable, do it again by first canceling your
> >       customization to revert to the default, and then adding it
> >       again.
> >
> >     - New variable `org-highlight-latex-fragments-and-specials'.
> >       When turned on, Org-mode will highlight all strings that
> >       are treated in a special way by the exporters.  This is
> >       great for export-oriented writing, but maybe a bit noisy
> >       for note taking, so this feature is off by default.
> >
> > Properties and Column view
> > --------------------------
> >
> >     - `org-use-property-inheritance' may now also be a list of
> >       property names that should be treated with inheritance
> >       during searches.
> >
> >     - CATEGORY="work" can now be used in a tags/property search,
> >       even if the category is not specified as a property in the
> >       entry, but rather is inherited or derived from #+CATEGORY.
> >       Thanks to Adam, Tim, and Bastien for an interesting
> >       discussion around this issue.
> >
> >     - Summary type improvements in column view.
> >       * The {+} summary type can specify a printf-style output
> >         format for computed values like this: {+;%5.2f}
> >         This was triggered by a report by Levin.
> >       * New currency summary type {$}, which so far is just a
> >         shorthand for {+;%.2f}.  Do we need to have a currency
> >         symbol in front of each value.  Scott Jaderholm asked for
> >         this, but I am not sure if this is already what he meant.
> >
> > The date/time prompt
> > --------------------
> >
> >     There have been several small but *very* useful additions to
> >     the date prompt.
> >
> >     - While entering data at the date prompt, the current
> >       interpretation of your input is shown next to your input in
> >       the minibuffer.  I find this great to understand how the
> >       input works.  If you find the extra stuff in the minibuffer
> >       annoying, turn it off with `org-read-date-display-live'.
> >
> >     - The date prompt now prefers to select the future.  If you
> >       enter a date without a month, and the day number is before
> >       today (for example, on the 16th of the month you enter
> >       "9"), Org-mode will assume next month.  Similarly, if you
> >       enter a month and no year, next year will be assumed if the
> >       entered month is before the current, for example if you
> >       enter "May" in September.  Thanks to John Rakestraw for
> >       this great suggestion.  If you find it confusing, turn it
> >       off with `org-read-date-prefer-future'.
> >
> >     - When modifying an existing date using `C-c .' at the stamp,
> >       the time or time range in the stamp are now offered as
> >       default input at the prompt.  This goes a long way to
> >       simplifying the modification of an existing date.  Thanks
> >       to Adam Spiers for this proposal.
> >
> > Export (all implemented by Bastien...)
> > --------------------------------------
> >
> >     - You can now export special strings in HTML.  Here is the
> >       list of newly performed conversions:
> >
> >         Org   Description                          HTML
> >        -----+------------------------------------+----------
> >         `\\-'   double backslash followed by minus   &shy;
> >         `--'    two dashes (minuses)                 &ndash;
> >         `---'   three dashes (minuses)               &mdash;
> >         `...'   three dots                           &hellip;
> >
> >       You can turn this globally on or off with
> >       `org-export-with-special-strings' or locally with "-:t" or
> >       "-:nil" in the #+OPTIONS line.  Thanks to Adam Spiers for
> >       starting the discussion, and thanks to Daniel Clemente and
> >       William Henney for relevant inputs.
> >
> >     - Comma-separated emails in #+EMAIL: are correctly exported.
> >       Thanks to Raman for pointing out this omission.
> >
> > Agenda
> > ------
> >
> >     - In the agenda, a few keys have changed
> >        g  does now the same a "r", refresh current display,
> >           because "g" is the Emacs standard for "refresh"
> >        G  toggle the time grid, used to be "g"
> >        e  Execute another agenda command, pretty much the same as
> >           `C-c a', but shorter and keep the same agenda window.
> >
> > Miscellaneous (much of it from Bastien)
> > ---------------------------------------
> >
> >     - You can now select the sectioning structure of your LaTeX
> >       export by setting it either globally
> >       (`org-export-latex-default-class') or locally in each Org
> >       file (with #+LaTeX_CLASS: myclass).  You can also customize
> >       the list of available classes and their sectioning
> >       structures through the new `org-export-latex-classes'
> >       option.  Thanks to Daniel for discussions and suggestion on
> >       this issue.
> >
> >     - You can send and receive radio lists in HTML,
> >       LaTeX or TeXInfo, just as you send and receive radio
> >       tables.  Check the documentation for details and examples.
> >
> >     - The default for `org-ellipsis' is back to nil, some people
> >       seem to have had problems with the face as a default.
> >
> >     - Support for pabbrev-mode, needs pabbrev version 1.1.  Thanks
> >       to Phillip Lord for adapting his package to make this
> >       possible.
> >
> >     - New variable `org-show-entry-below' to force context-showing
> >       commands to expose the body of a headline that is being
> >       shown.  Thanks to Harald Weis for pointing out this omission.
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> > Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> >
> >
> >
> Did you forget to "(provide 'org-install)"?
> my emacs stopped telling me thet org-install was not provided.
> Rainer
> _______________________________________________
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

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