Little, copyright-less change appended.

BTW, while I'm waiting for completion of my copyright assignment,
my little orgtbl changes are sitting in a fork on repo.or.gz:

The changes have been updated to the new structure, and
everything *appears* to work.

You may want to describe forks in README_GIT.  Pulling from a
fork would be a bit more controlled than giving out push access,
removing the various copyright concerns.  I don't know of a
sensible way to manage ChangeLog files.

diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index ee83da7..fbeb5e8 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ from    accept as input, do not present for editing
 t:      accept as input and present for editing"
   :group 'org-table-calculation
   :type '(choice
-         (const :tag "Never, don't even check unser input for them" nil)
+         (const :tag "Never, don't even check user input for them" nil)
          (const :tag "Always, both as user input, and when editing" t)
          (const :tag "Convert user input, don't offer during editing" 'from)))

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