On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 10:53 -0400, Bernt Hansen wrote:
> Manish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:
> >   > --- Mar 1/7/08, Harri Kiiskinen ha scritto:
> >   >> Data: Martedì 1 luglio 2008, 12:19
> >   >> I was wondering, whether it might be possible to implement a
> >   >> separate
> >   >> customization file for org-mode?
> >   >
> >   > Hi, Harri,
> >   >
> >   > please write in your both
> >   >
> >   > ~/.emacs  and c:\Documents and Settings\Your-user\Application 
> > data\.emacs
> >   >
> >   > (load "your/path/your-org-config.el")
> >
> > Now if I use customize interface to well.. customize then what
> > will be updated .emacs or "your-org-config.el"?
> set the variable 'custom-file' to the file you want your custom settings
> in.

Thank you all for the answers, but it seems that I was not quite clear
enough. I'm quite able to set the 'custom-file' to whatever I want, and
I can (load "myconfig.el") - which is what I currently do. Lets restate
the problem:

1. I cannot and do not want to share _all_ customizations, since many of
them are system specific - absolute paths, modes which function on Linux
but not on XP (e.g. whizzy-tex), face settings etc.
2. I want to share org-mode customization, which is system independent,
in my case. This I can do with (load "myconfig.el"), but the file has to
be edited by hand, as the Emacs Customize for org-mode saves everything
where 'custom-file' points to.
3. If I set 'custom-file' to "myconfig.el", then I contradict no. 1.

==> Currently I cannot use Customize to edit org-mode customization.

So I'm suggesting a new variable like 'org-custom-file' or something,
which is used to save only the customization for org-mode. Something
like Mew already does. I think this would be logical also, because
org-mode by definition has lots of customizations, which are not only
options affecting its behaviour on the current system, but are the base
for its use. To put it in other words, many of the other Emacs modes
function without any specific customizations, but org-mode is hardly
functional without your own tags, remember template definitions, agenda
file lists etc. In that sense, the customization data is more closely
linked to the actual org-files than than the specific instance of Emacs
on a particular system, and therefore it would be logical to have it in
a separate file.

Hope I made my point this time...

Harri K.

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