Parker, Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One thing that I’m tripping up on is that I’m trying to list data base names 
> that have underscores, e.g. prc_tms.
> And the ‘second word’ is coming out subscript: 'prc[tms'] field
> I realize this may be a feature and not a bug… but how to turn it off?

Escape the underscore with a backslash: prc\_tms. Similarly, ^ produces
a superscript whereas \^ produces a caret. And for something completely
different, \alpha produces &alpha; which is rendered as the first letter
of the Greek alphabet etc.

This notation is TeX-inspired: Carsten is a scientist, he uses TeX/LaTeX
for papers and he uses org-mode for notes, so it was natural for him to
adopt the notation.


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