
I was thinking about how to interface mutt and org-mode for quite some
time now but didn't really get around to it.

I've tried to use many emacs MUAs for this purpose (mh-e, wanderlust,
mew and finally the great scary GNUs) but they're not quite to my

Your proposal gave me the necessary hacktivation energy to come up
with my version of this prototype. I also borrowed some of your code,
but backported it to perl 5.8.

Russell Adams schrieb:
> The workflow goes like this:
>  - Reading email in Mutt, in index or pager
>  - Trigger script via M-o in Mutt
>  - Middle-click into my org-mode buffer pasting the link
>  - Later visit the link and execute mairix to find message by ID
>  - In current Mutt session, use M-` to jump to search folder and read
>    message

Those are a few steps too many for me. I wanted to press <f9>t in the
index or pager and then pop up an emacs window with remember.

As org-annotation-helper.el does this already, I decided to use it.

Also mutt is able to search its own mailboxes, not as flexible as
mairix, because it can only search a single folder, but I only really
want to link back to a certain mail for now.

I also had a long conversation with pdmef on channel #mutt on
freenode.net, who gave me the two crucial ideas how to configure this
in mutt.

The main idea is to use the path-type variable record to get the name
of the current folder and store it in the two keyboard macros. The
keyboard macros change every time you change a folder in mutt.

This is a rough prototype still. I'd like to get rid of the (y/n)
prompt and therefore I'd like to have a link-type "mutt:" in org,
which means some of the functionality of the perl-script would have to
get implemented in emacs-lisp. But that would give me the benefit of a
customisable terminal and maybe get everything a bit less hairy...

You'll notice that calling mutt with a mail is not very straight
forward. In theory,

mutt -f $mailbox -e "push <search>~i$msgid<enter><display-message>"

should be sufficient. However if it's started via xterm -e, the
keystrokes don't arrive, maybe because xterm does some terminal
initialisations after mutt has started (or my window manager sends a
resize signal a bit too late, something like that). That's why I'm
writing the keystrokes to a temporary file. Not elegant, but does the

Maybe we get the next guy inspired to hack on this now :)

        Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Laziness led to the invention of the most useful tools.

# $Id: mutt2remember.pl,v 1.4 2008/09/27 11:15:04 friedel Exp $

# Variations on a theme given by Russell Adams http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2008-09/msg00300.html

my $terminal="xterm -e";

# Install:
# ========

# 1.) put the following in your muttrc:

my $muttrc_snippet = <<END;
folder-hook . " \
set my_record=\$record; \
set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode; \
set my_wait_key=\$wait_key; \
set record=^; \
macro index,pager <f9>t \"<enter-command>set pipe_decode=no;set wait_key=no<enter><pipe-message>mutt2remember.pl remember \$record<enter><enter-command>set wait_key=\$my_wait_key ;set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode<enter>\" \"remember mail in emacs\"; \
macro index,pager <f9>n \"<enter-command>set pipe_decode=no;set wait_key=no<enter><pipe-message>mutt2remember.pl annotation \$record<enter><enter-command>set wait_key=\$my_wait_key ;set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode<enter>\" \"copy url to mail in emacs\"; \
set record=\$my_record;"

# 2) put this file into your $HOME/bin and make it executable.

# 3) make sure org-annotation-helper.el is loaded in your org config

# 4) optionally: set $terminal above to something you prefer.

# 5) press <f9>n in the pager or index to annotate a mail url,
#    press <f9>t to *remember* it

# 6) follow the generated link in emacs to open the mail in mutt.

use strict;
use warnings;

use URI::Escape qw/ uri_escape /;
use File::Temp qw/ mkstemp /;

my $action=$ARGV[0];
my $folder=$ARGV[1];

if ($action eq "remember" or $action eq "annotation") {

  my ( $Subject , $From , $MID );

  while (<STDIN>) {


    if (/^Subject: /) {
      ( $Subject ) = $_ =~ m/^Subject: (.*)$/;

    if (/^From: /) {
      ( $From ) = $_ =~ m/^From: (.*)$/;

    if (/^Message-ID:\s*/) {
      ( $MID ) = $_ =~ m/^Message-ID:\s*<(.*)>\s*$/;

    if (/^$/) {
      last; # Header ends on first blank line

  $From = uri_escape($From);
  $Subject = uri_escape($Subject);

  $folder =~ tr/=/+/;

  my $uri = "shell:"
    . $terminal
      . " mutt2remember.pl open "
        . $folder
          . " "
            . $MID;

  $uri = uri_escape($uri);

  my $Link = $action . ":" . $uri . "::remember::Mail From $From: $Subject";

  system ("emacsclient", "--eval", "(progn (bzg/org-annotation-helper \"$Link\") nil)");
} elsif ($action eq "open") {
  my $msgid=$ARGV[2];
  my ($tmp, $tmpfile) = mkstemp(($ENV{TMP} or "/tmp") . "/mutt2rememberXXXXXXXX");

  printf $tmp "push \"<search>~i$msgid<enter><display-message>\"";
  system("mutt", "-f", $folder, "-e", "source $tmpfile");

  close $tmp;

  unlink $tmpfile;


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