I won't be long : very nice job !


2015-09-20 0:26 GMT+02:00 Vikas Rawal <vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org>:

> I am happy to share with fellow Orgers my recent book —  Ending
> Malnutrition: from commitment to action  — published by the Food and
> Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome and Tulika Books, New
> Delhi (http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4921e.pdf),  The book was written and
> produced entirely in Org.
> This would not have been possible without the terrific support provided by
> this community. Over the last few months, I have come to this mailing list
> with several queries about how to do something or the other, and people
> have very patiently provided solutions and suggestions.
> I would like to thank everyone for their patience and their support.
> Vikas
> --------
> From acknowledgements of the book:
> In addition, for all the statistical work and writing, the authors relied
> on R ([[http://www.r-project.org][www.r-project.org]]), org ([[
> http://www.orgmode.org][www.orgmode.org]]),
> and LaTeX. All three are open source projects, freely made available by
> very vibrant communities of developers. During the course of the work, we
> often drew on support from these communities.

Fabrice Popineau
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