On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > 3. Handling of citation links in the various export engines
> > Functions must be written to handle citations in, at minimum, latex,
> html,
> > and org
> >
> > 4. Interface with backends
> > Org should be able to talk to bibtex and zotero databases, at least (and
> > maybe more).
> The code I wrote should have enough hooks to enable this.  But I haven’t
> looked at zotero at all.  If zotero support is important to you, you
> could investigate the “lookup types” in the citation code I wrote, see
> if they are adequate, and try to use them to implement zotero lookup.
> From the docstring:
> "Types of citation lookup backends.
> Alist from type to list of:
> - Function called at the beginning of export, with the rest of
>   the keyword line after #+BIBDB: type, and the info plist.
>   Should cache whatever it needs in the info plist.
> - Function to lookup a citation.  Called with the key and the
>   info plist.  Will be memoized by
>   `org-export-cite--lookup' (TODO).  Should return an alist of
>   keys and values about the citation (author, year, title, etc.)
> - A boolean; non-nil = this lookup type is remote.  All local
>   lookups will be tried before any remote one is.
>   TODO: not yet implemented"

Hey, Aaron,
Am I right that I need to check out your wip-cite-awe branch from ~8 months
ago? Would it make sense to try to merge recent changes on master into that
branch first?

Anyway, I figure I will try to modify zotxt-emacs so it provides these
functions and generates conformant cite: links.  That seems the easiest
solution, and maybe Erik will give me some help once I've made some initial
progress.  Meanwhile I will try to learn enough about javascript to get
started on the citeproc-js ocmmand-line tool.  thx,

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