On Mon, 14 Dec 2015, Andreas Leha wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to hear your ideas on how to include noweb references to code
blocks in a way that the default values are used as parameter values.

Here is a little example:

#+PROPERTY: header-args:R :session *testR*

The background is that I like to use Org mode table to record small data.

#+name: datatable
| A |  B |
| 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 20 |

Usually I want to pre-process and/or convert such data.

#+name: read_datatable
#+header: :var datatable=datatable
#+begin_src R :results none
 datatable$B <- 10 * datatable$B

Later I would like to use that data in larger (R-) code blocks.  I'd
like such code blocks to DWIM:

#+name: some_code
#+begin_src R :noweb yes :results graphics :file testplot.png
 plot(datatable$A, datatable$B)

But they do not: They are not stand alone and do not execute -- unless I
executed `read_datatable' manually/by chance upfront.

Try this:

#+name: read_datatable
#+header: :var datatable=datatable
#+begin_src R :results value :colnames yes
  datatable$B <- 10 * datatable$B

#+name: some_code
#+HEADER: :var datatable=read_datatable()
#+begin_src R :noweb yes :results graphics :file testplot.png
plot(datatable$A, datatable$B)



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