Hi.  My ~/org folder, with its sub directories, has a total of 13 .org
files.  Five of them are agenda files.  I set up numbered backup, with
the backups going to a separate directory: ~/auto-backups.  For the
most important org files, I raised the number of numbered backups
kept.  For example, my biggest org file has the following local
  - Local variables:
  - auto-save-interval: 150
  - version-control: t
  - kept-new-versions: 80
  - End:

I sincronize both ~/org and ~/auto-backups to a cloud syncing service.
~/auto-backups now is 97MiB, about 2% of my 5.5GiB cloud quota.

Do you recommend keeping my current setup?  Or should I adopt some
version control system to have better history (right now I save only
the latest 80 versions, and Emacs saves a new backup only on the Emacs
session's first save)?

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