Oh my, so easy, thank you.

Just FYI, what makes this work so nicely for me is that I can place the
TOC *after* and #+BEGIN_EXPORT HTML block which contains Hugo web site
generator YAML instructions, which must be at the top of the file.

So, I am now happily producing a HUGO website with org-mode HTML.
Although others try for fancier ways to do this, my simple simple
approach only requires 3 exporter commands to get it to publish (C-b h
h) and I am done.  (Hugo will process html files with YAML at the top.)

It is so nice to be able to use org-mode html output instead of
markdown, esp. tables!

Thanks again.


Nicolas Goaziou writes:

> Hello,
> Larrabee Strow <st...@umbc.edu> writes:
>> I'd like to get toc:t to produce an html table-of-contents with body-only
>> true?
>> Is that possible?  From what I can tell if body-only in the export, you
>> will never get a toc.
> See #+TOC in the manual.
> Regards,

L. Larrabee Strow
UMBC Physics Department
Email: st...@umbc.edu
Cell: 724-288-6933

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