On Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 at 14:10, Karl Voit wrote:
> Hi!
> Either I found a bug when referring to other table rows or I don't
> understand the behavior of following example tables. My expectation
> was that the first column of the second table is exactly the same as
> the first column of the first table:
> #+NAME: 2016-01-19-srctbl
> | Testdata |
> |----------|
> | foobar   |
> | fooübar  |
> | fooßbar  |
> | 1er      |
> | 23,42    |
> | 23.42    |
> | Result   | Expected Result | Comparison     |
> |----------+-----------------+----------------|
> | foobar   | foobar          | OK             |
> | #ERROR   | fooübar         | fail           |
> | #ERROR   | fooßbar         | fail           |
> | er       | 1er             | fail           |
> | 23.42    | 23.42           | OK             |
> | (23, 42) | 23,42           | probably fail? |
> #+TBLFM: $1=remote(2016-01-19-srctbl,@@#$1)
> Thanks for clearing things up!

I cannot get this to work either but I do think you want to enclose the
remote() within (identity) to copy values and not try to evaluate an
expression, as noted in the info page:

$1=(identity remote(2016-01-19-srctbl,@@#$1))

Also, I don't think you want an indirection using #.

But I cannot get this to work so I could be completely off base...
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs 24.5.1, Org release_8.3.3-449-gd85ff3

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