First of all, I really like using Org-mode!
A couple of days ago I discovered I could rapidly insert occasional math 
expressions in org files with CDLaTeX so I tried to activate it with 'M-x 
org-cdlatex-mode' but Org mode couldn't find cdlatex.el as it wasn't present in 
the emacs' folders. I downloaded cdlatex.el version 4.7 (2014) from Carsten 
Dominik's gitHub repo as suggested by Rasmus in this mailing-list. I found all 
the load paths with 'C-h v RET load-path', picked one, placed cdlatex.el in it 
and proceeded to activate CDLaTeX in an org file, to try it out.
Initially everything seemed to work fine, for example 'C-c {' yielded a math 
environment of my choice. Then I discovered that the backquote symbol was not 
recognized. Everytime I press it, I get the 'Wrong type argument: characterp, 
134217782' message in the mini-buffer. This happens only if I'm in CDLaTeX 
mode, if I turn it off, backquote gives no error and get printed on screen.
I soon realized that the majority of commands in CDLaTeX are triggered by this 
fundamental key, without it, CDLaTeX is pretty much useless! I posted my 
problem on but I've received mixed suggestions and 
ended up more confused than before. If I type 'C-h k' and press the backquote 
key, I learn this (see everything enclosed within <pre> tags):
<pre>` (translated from <M-kp-9>) runs the command cdlatex-math-symbol,which is 
an interactive Lisp function in `cdlatex.el'.
It is bound to `, <menu-bar> <Org> <LaTeX> <Insert math symbol>.
Read a char from keyboard and insert corresponding math char.The combinations 
are defined in `cdlatex-math-symbol-alist'.  If not in a LaTeX math 
environment, you also get a pair of dollars.</pre>
I have the tilde and backquote associated to the same key on my keyboard, it's 
the key right below the 'Esc' key, in the upper left corner. I also have these 
lines in .emacs file:<pre>;;; a key for tilde symbol(define-key 
key-translation-map (kbd "M-2") (kbd "~"));;; a key for backtick 
symbol(define-key key-translation-map (kbd "M-6") "")(define-key 
key-translation-map (kbd "M-9") (kbd "`"))</pre>
Somebody pointed out that I should change the key associated with backquote but 
I'd really like to keep it in that position because it's efficient when I type. 
I really don't know what's the problem here and how to fix it. Can someone 
please explain it to me please and possibly help me fix it?
I'm using Windows 7, emacs 24.4, Org 8.2, cdlatex 4.7 (2014), AUCTEX 11.88.

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