Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:

[snip: Loris' whinging and Karl's response (24 lines)]

>> However, I still don't like the long #+TBLFM, although it's not going to
>> kill me.
> That's good, because I think you'll have to live with it :-)
> There is support for multiple TBLFM lines, but not in the way you want:
> they are alternatives, rather than cumulative - see
> (info "(org) Editing and debugging formulas")
> the section entitled "Using multiple #+TBLFM lines".

I was aware of this and have found it useful.

However, it seems a little inconsistent that some options, like
'#+OPTIONS' or '#+LATEX_HEADER', are cumulative whereas others, like
'#+TBLFM', are not.  Is there a logic to this that I am overlooking?  If
not, is there an overview of how the different options behave?



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