I use now org-todotxt which converts TODO tasks to a todotxt file, you
can automaticly export that on a owncloud directory and then on the
android side you can use simpletask cloudless.

Its dumbed down and gives you not all options of org-mode, but ist looks
pretty and is good enough for reading through it.

theoreticly you can also import them back, again its not perfect but for
what I need perfect, I dont see android devices as input devices using
touchscreen sucks anyway, and for now thats good enough, even I need
some advancements, like emacs links get displayed as the ascii version
like [[bla][long long url]] that sucks, again its not perfect but I see
me using that, I am also not comfortable copying all my org files 1 to 1
on that mobile spy devices anyway so its maybe better that it not
understands whole org files.

Saša Janiška <g...@atmarama.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm returning to Emacs-land and wonder whether mobile-org is still
> working with org-mode?
> Do you have any other recommendation to sync tasks with Android phones?
> For contacts/calendars I was using org-vcard/org-caldav and they worked
> pretty well via ownCloud, but now, when i use GNOME, I can't tell
> whether calendars are visible on GNOME's status bar?
> There is Orgly, which is not open-source, but not sure whether it's
> better than mobileorg?
> Is there something which would work with ownCloud?
> Sincerely,
> Gour

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