Hi Tom,

Thanks for your report.

Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> writes:

The following ECM gives me two problems.

Next time it would help the reading flow if you start with the example (IMO, so if you disagree please ignore).

1) When I export the full file, all is well, I get this pertinent part: ,------------------------------------------ | \section{Top Level Headline} | \label{sec:orgheadline2} | \setmarginnotefont{\itshape\footnotesize} | | \subsection{Second Level Headline} | \label{sec:orgheadline1} | | \setmarginnotefont{\itshape\footnotesize} `------------------------------------------ However, when I attempt to export the Second Level Headline subtree, I get this pertinent part: ,------------------------ | \setmarginnotefont{nil} `------------------------

How could it do anything else? Try to narrow to the subtree and run your code (see also org-export-as and how subtree export works; it narrows). You will see that your code returns nil.

You are using a hack to use something that you think looks like a Org keyword, but which is not (in particular it’s unknown to ox backends). I think you can check org-export-get-environment and org-export-define-backend to appreciate this.

2) Subtree export doesn't work when the Second Level Headline is followed on the next line by the #+header: line (with no empty line or some text between them). I'm left in the *Org Export Dispatcher*, where I can get out with C-g.

Aside: I had a hard time understanding this, but I can reproduce the bug with this

** Second Level Headline #+header: :var marginnote-font=(jk-org-kwd "MARGIN-NOTE-FONT") #+header: :results raw :exports results #+begin_src emacs-lisp (format "\\setmarginnotefont{%s}" marginnote-font) #+end_src I’m pretty sure you more well-versed in debugging than me Tom, but I will include the following for other people who might follow the thread: To see what it going on here it helps to do M-x toggle-debug-on-quit and hit C-g. It will pop up a backtrace.

I am honestly not sure if this if there’s a bug here. What seems to happen is that it keeps looking for a value for marginnote-font which is nil cf. above. But it could also be that your jk-org-kwd function is simply malfunctioning cf. below. Why does this not happen when you have plenty of newlines? I don’t know. Maybe Aaron will be able to tell us if it’s a bug.

In any case, you can fix the second case by redefining your function to never return nil.

(defun jk-org-kwd (KEYWORD) "get the value of a KEYWORD in the form of #+KEYWORD: value" (or (cdr (assoc KEYWORD (jk-org-kwds))) "")) Hope it helps even if I’m unable to give an definite answer regarding your second observation.


Need more coffee. . .

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