Especially looking for users of ob-lilypond:

I currently have a few LilyPond source code blocks that are working quite well 
as inline graphics (exported to LaTeX), e.g.:

#+BEGIN_SRC lilypond :exports results :noweb yes :file ex1.eps

When I export, it (correctly) asks if I want to evaluate the source block, and 
the export (correctly) includes the line:


So far, so good.

Now, I would like to make the results a floating figure, with a caption and a 
#+name reference. So I added the following to the above block:

#+name: ex1
#+caption: One possible form of "seed" material to start the performance.
#+BEGIN_SRC lilypond :exports results :noweb yes :file ex1.eps

... but the #+name is not converted into a label, and the #+caption is also 

My question, then, is: What is needed to get ob-lilypond to support LaTeX 
floats and captions? (I have a sneaky feeling it isn't trivial, but it's worth 
asking in any case.)


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