Eduardo Mercovich <> writes:

> Dear Sharon.
>>>> I'm running into problems exporting tables into latex with a 2-column
>>>> 3-row table with a large amount of text to go into the cells, but when
>>>> its exported the text is taking over and overflowing off the pdf page.
> I'm a newbie and confronted to this same situation found this latex
> options (from the org-manual, but not obvious when you don't know what
> you're searching):
> #+CAPTION: This is your table caption (of course, it's optional). 
> #+NAME:   table:yourtableid
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtable :width 1\textwidth :font \small 
> \raggedright :align >{\raggedright}p{9cm} p{3cm}
> | Here | comes | your | table |
> |------+-------+------+-------|
> | and  | some  | text | cells |
> Let's break this into pieces:
> :environment longtable
>  breaks across pages if too long. 
> :width 1\textwidth
>  it has the width of the text block
> :font \small
>  assuming your latex class has a "small" font size definition,
>  can be tiny, miniscule, etc. 
> : \raggedright
>  don't justify a few words in short width columns, looks much better
> :align >{\raggedright}p{9cm} p{3cm}
>  this defines the column align and width. 
> Try it, see what happens and let's optimize this together. :)

Thanks Eduardo, as I said I'm converting a latex document into org-mode,
so I've already got quite complex tables working in latex, so I'm just
pasting them into my org document and then having a '#+begin_latex'
before the latexed table and a '#+end_latex' after the table, and its
working quite well except I am, so far, unable to have a 'list of
tables' which isn't a real problem.

A taste of linux =
TGmeds =
Debian 8.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.0.93

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