Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Stig Brautaset <> writes:


>> pdflatex chockes on the filename:
>> #+begin_example
>> 17:27:25 /tmp> pdflatex "/Users/stig/Library/Mobile 
>> Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Org/TODO.tex"
>> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015) (preloaded 
>> format=pdflatex)
>>  restricted \write18 enabled.
>> entering extended mode
>> ! I can't find file `"/Users/stig/Library/Mobile Documents/com"'.
>> <to be read again> 
>>                    \protect 
>> <*> "/Users/stig/Library/Mobile Documents/com~
>>                                               apple~CloudDocs/Org/TODO.tex"
> Indeed. It seems pdflatex doesn't like the ~ sign excepted at the
> beginning of the filename. It doesn't seem to be Org related though.

No, it does not seem to be Org related. I thought that at first, but
found it failed in a regular terminal too.

> In any case, I'm wondering if we really need to send the full canonical
> path (as returned by `file-truename') of the tex file to the pdflatex
> process.
> For example, we could set `default-directory' to the directory of the
> tex file and provide only relative filename with %f. If needed, %F may
> be used for the full path. I don't think it would introduce
> incompatibilities.

That sounds like it would solve my issue, and is what I was hoping to hear :-)


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